[KS] text of the speech of Ambassador Takekazu Kawamura at the ICAS Winter Symposium & ICAS Dinner, February 11, 2000, University of Pennsylvania

icas icas at dvol.com
Tue Feb 22 22:58:11 EST 2000

Dear Friend:

Ambassador Takekazu Kawamura of Japan in New York delivered keynote
speech, "Japan's Role for Peace and Prosperity in the New Century",  at
the ICAS Winter Symposium/ICAS Dinner: Asia's Challenges Ahead, on
February 11, 2000 at the University of Pennsylvania.  A complete text is
posted on the ICAS Winter Symposium/ICAS Reception & Dinner page of the
ICAS website
(http://www.dvol.com/~users/icas).  Thank you.

Sang Joo Kim
T: (610) 277-9989
T: (610) 277-0149
F: (610) 277-3992
E: icas at dvol.com

Institute for Corean-American Studies (aks ICAS) is a non-profit,
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non-agent of any government and solely supported by voluntary
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