[KS] Michael Churchill to deliver Plenary Address:: Civil Rights: What It Is

icas icas at dvol.com
Fri Jul 28 20:50:12 EDT 2000

July 28, 2000

Dear Friend:

We are pleased to share with you that Michael Churchill will deliver 
a plenary address, "Civil Rights: What It Is and What It Means To Us
Today", for the subject program.

Michael Churchill, a prominent civil rights litigator, is presently 
Chief Counsel (1984 - ) with *Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia 
(PILCOP) and has engaged numerous major civil rights litigations.  He 
was a law clerk to Judge J Edward Lumbard, Second Circuit Court of
Appeals(1965-66). Michael studied sociology at London School of
Economics (1961-62) and law at Harvard Law School (L.L.B. 1965), cum 
laude.  While in Harvard College (1961) he was Managing Editor of 
Harvard Crimson.  Michael also did his share of stint as a reporter 
with Washington Post (1963) and Minneapolis Tribune (1960).	

*PILCOP is a non-profit law firm dedicated to advancing the cause of 
justice and equality for disadvantaged persons including minorities, 
women and disabled persons who would not otherwise have access to 
legal assistance.	

Thank you and regards,

Sang Joo Kim
Sr Fellow & Executive Vice President
Institute for Corean-American Studies (aka ICAS) is a non-profit,
non-partisan, and private educational and research organisation.  It is
non-agent of any government and solely supported by voluntary
contributions.  ICAS promotes pertinent relations and conducts
appropriate activities to enhance cooperation and to pursue peace and
prosperity.  Further information about ICAS and some examples of
the recent activities may be found on the ICAS website
(http://www.dvol.com/~users/icas). Thank you.


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