[KS] Workshop announcement and Call for papers

Junghee Chang JCHANG at ling.mq.edu.au
Fri Oct 31 22:12:26 EST 2003

Call for Papers

The Workshop 2004: Language and Culture

Workshop Theme: Expression, Identity and Society
Date: 12 (Thursday) - 13 (Friday), February 2004
Venue: Camperdown Campus of the University of Sydney

Sponsored by the Department of Japanese and Korean Studies, the School
of European, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies of the
University of Sydney

The Sydney Network for Language and Culture (SYNLAC) is pleased to
invite you to come to the workshop as either a participant or a

The ultimate purpose of this workshop is to bridge the gap between
linguistics and cultural studies. Through this we encourage participants
in the workshop to expand their intellectual and academic horizons and
create a truly interdisciplinary atmosphere.  Our specific theme for the
workshop is 'Expression, Identity and Society', where 'expression' is
taken as any mode of expression, e.g., linguistic expression, paintings,
or architectural designs.

We ask workshop leaders to give their presentations in plain English,
and to get the audience actively involved in the workshop in one way or
another to help retain their concentration and focus. The length of
presentations in the workshop is in principle either 60 or 90 minutes.
However, we will accept shorter presentations as well.

We plan to produce a refereed publication from the outcomes of the

If you wish to give a presentation, please send an abstract (300 words)
by e-mail to either <Keizo.nanri at asia.usyd.edu.au> or
<makoto at dpc.aichi-gakuin.ac.jp> or <Seiko.Yasumoto@ asia.usyd.edu.au>.
The closing date for abstracts is 31 December, 2003. Registration is
free.  The workshop will be held at the University of Sydney, Camperdown

If you have any inquiries, please contact Junghee Chang <jchang at ling.mq.edu.au>

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