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</style><font face="±¼¸²">Dear List Members,<br /><br />The Kyujanggak Institute of Korean Studies would like to invite everyone to the 52nd Colloquium on Korean Studies, which will take place this Thursday at <u>12:30 PM</u>. The speaker will be Dr. Wol-san Liem (post-doctoral fellow, Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies), who will talk on the following subject:<br /><br /><strong>Violence, Democracy, and the Making of US Hegemony: American Cultural Policy in South Korea during and after the Korean War.<br /><br /></strong><em>Abstract</em>:<br />This paper looks at American cultural policy in South Korea during and after the Korean War, focusing on the work of the United States Information Service (USIS). USIS' mission was to promote a positive understanding of American policy, culture and society in other countries through propaganda, cultural activities and person-to-person exchange. This paper looks specifically at two projects implemented by the USIS branch in South Korea. <br /><br />The first, which took place during the Korean War, involved the use of leaflet drops and other propaganda to tell a particular story of the war to displaced South Korean citizens. The second, which was implemented in the mid-1960s, sought to mold Korean youth as responsible and law abiding "democratic" citizens during a period of military dictatorship. While these projects differed significantly in the methods they employed and the extent to which they involved active Korean participation, their fundamental goals were similar. Both projects sought to promote social stability and maintain US hegemony in South Korea and, by extension, the East Asian region and the cold war world.<br /><br />When: Thursday June 02, <strong><u>12:30</u></strong> (Please note the earlier time!)<br />Kyujanggak Insitute of Korean Studies (building 103, Seoul National University), seminar room (first floor)<br /><br />Note: light lunch will be provided on a first come first served basis</font>
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