[KS] Re: introduction/Choi Jang-jip Statement

Junghee Lee junghee at nh1.nh.pdx.edu
Mon Nov 23 00:50:56 EST 1998

Dear Dr. Chung:
That is fine to change the topic and I am glad it will be useful for 
you to convince Prof. Ahn.
I am also glad he called you.
Prof. Ahn is soft gentle person (he is very critical at times but 
don' take it thorny).   Right now you may be upset, but think that as 
a challenge and get it over with.  Then he will open up for you and 
may support you.  You are onto something important and interesting.

Sincerely yours,


Junghee Lee
Department of Art
Portland State University
Portland, OR 97207-0751
Voice: (503) 725-3347
fax: (503) 725-4541
E-mail: leeju at pdx.edu


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