David C. Kang David.C.Kang at Dartmouth.EDU
Mon Nov 29 11:56:28 EST 1999

I hope the list members won't mind a small announcement:  


The Association of Korean Political Studies in North America (AKPSNA) invites any interested persons to join.  AKPSNA's mission is to be an umbrella organization for the study of Korean politics in North America.  AKPSNA is enjoying a period of growth, and our goal is to expand the association's visibility and projects to be more commensurate with the increasing importance of, and interest in, Korean studies.  AKPSNA especially invites Americans/etc. and second-generation Koreans to join.  

The AKPSNA annually organizes a series of panels at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, and has recently begun a joint publishing project with the Sejong Institute of Korea.  

The next annual meeting of the American Political Science Association will be held in Washington D.C., August 31-September 3, 2000.  AKPSNA will hold 2 panels at the meeting.  The Program Chair, Professor Uk Heo at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is seeking proposals for paper, chairpersons, and discussants.

Membership dues are $20 per year.  Anyone interested in joining AKPSNA, or just desiring more information, should feel free to contact any of the following:

Seung-Ho Joo (executive secretary):  joos at mrs.umn.edu 
Victor Cha (Membership committee chair):  chav at gunet.georgetown.edu
Sunhyuk Kim:  sunhyukk at usc.edu
Dave Kang:  dave.kang at dartmouth.edu


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