[KS] Re: honor killings

Henny Savenije adam&eve at henny-savenije.demon.nl
Thu Jun 1 11:56:45 EDT 2000

At 01:56 PM 6/1/00, you wrote:
>In Korea's Place in the Sun, p. 63, Bruce Cumings quotes Ledyard (the
>Dutch Come to Korea, pp. 211-12, 217) quoting Hamel's 17th c. description
>of social codes allowing a husband to kill his adulterous wife without
>fear of punishment.  He also describes a gruesome execution method
>that Hamel claims was used to punish a woman who dispatched her husband.

On http://www.henny-savenije.demon.nl/holland10.htm you can indeed find the 

>A man who kills his wife goes freely if he can proof that he had a good 
>reason for that, for instance adultery or having failed in her marital 
>duties. A man, who kills a female slave, has to pay to the owner of the 
>female slave, three times the value.

On http://www.henny-savenije.demon.nl/transcription/hamel1165.htm
You can find a literal translation: (with Dutch)

>een man die zijn vrouw om 't leven brengt en weet
>a man who his wife [om] 't life brings [= kills] and knows
>te bewijsen, daer toe eenige redenen gehad te hebben, 't sij door overspel
>to proof, there to some reasons have to had, it be [= be it] because-of 
>ofte andersints, wort daer over niet aangesprooken, ten sij het een slavin 
>or otherwise, is there about not addressed, un less it a [female] slave is,
>moet dan deselve haer Meester driedubbelt betalen,
>must then the-same her master threefold pay

Henny  (Lee Hae Kang)

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