[KS] RE: Institutional publicity

John C Jamieson jcjamieson at cuhk.edu.hk
Mon Jun 19 19:59:14 EDT 2000

Dear Mr. Kim:  I don't believe we've met.  My suggestion is rooted in the
principal that organizations should best deal directly with their
readerships, not through professional discussion groups.  Opening discussion
groups for organizations, were that to be done, should be done for all.  It
is generally not, for the obvious reason that there could then be a great
amount of such material, program announcements and the like, deflecting
attention away from the group's core intent.  Why not program announcements
from each establishment with a Korea or Korea-related focus, private or
public, of whatever particular slant?  These should be handled by the
organizations themselves, through their own data banks.  In my view, perhaps
one not shared by the group's gatekeepers.

	Sincerely, J.C. Jamieson

-----Original Message-----
From: icas [mailto:icas at dvol.com]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 7:31 PM
To: korean-studies at mailbase.ac.uk; John C Jamieson
Subject: "U.S. should consider withdrawing troops from Korean
Peninsula", U S Senator Jesse Helms says

June 19, 2000

John C Jamieson <jcjamieson at cuhk.edu.hk>
korean-studies at mailbase.ac.uk

Dear John:

Why do you suggest that?   Thank you.

Sang Joo Kim


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