[KS] Re: hon-hyol's Japanese imperial origins

Mickey Hong hong at HUMnet.UCLA.EDU
Thu Sep 7 15:21:29 EDT 2000

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> Dear Ross and other members,
> The term "honhyol" comes from the Japanese racial terminology of
> "konketsu"

The term "ainoko" (written in kanji as konketsu) appeared in Junichiro
Tanizaki's _Chijin no Ai_ (Naomi) (1924).

> In the overall  scheme of  Japanese racial
> classifications and racial
> studies in the colonial period,  mixed blood races were considered
> inferior to pure-blood (or
> homogenous) races like the Japanese

Wasn't it Mori Arinori, a leading Japanese intellectual, who wrote to Herbert
Spencer asking whether Japanese women should marry Western men to improve
Japan's racial stock?  The latter thought it was very bad idea.

-Mickey Hong

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