[KS] Independence Gate (Tongnipmun) during Japanese Colonial Rule?

Gary Rector / Yu gary at korealore.com
Thu Nov 11 04:46:20 EST 2004

The Independence Arch was moved in 1979. (I had been living in Seoul for
several years then and am still here!) Whoever wrote 1997 must have simply
reversed the 7 and the 9 while typing.

Gary Rector

Peter Schroepfer wrote:

>>The Independence Arch was moved from the site where the Sungsan
>highway passed by in 1997.
>I've read this sentence several times and do believe I'm still
>misreading something or need to doubt my eyes, but if it means
>Tongnummun/Dongnimmun was moved, turned around, or in any way adjusted
>in 1997 it just can't be accurate, as anyone who has lived in Seoul's
>downtown neighborhoods in the last few decades can tell you. Obviously
>it was moved at some point in history, and surely someone on this
>listserve will be able to clarify when.

>Peter Schroepfer.

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