[KS] [2nd notice with some detail] Job Announcement: A Korean Language Faculty Position at GWU

Young-Key Kim-Renaud kimrenau at gwu.edu
Sat Feb 17 00:39:44 EST 2007

Dear colleagues,
I'd like to respond to frequent inquiries concerning the Korean language position currently open at The George Washington University.
(1) The "special service faculty" are "teaching only" faculty, not required to do research or participate in administrative work. They have a heavier teaching load than average professors and also carry different titles from the other colleagues. 
(2) They will be housed in specific language departments (in the case of Korean, in the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures) but work closely with the Language Center, as well.
(3) These positions are not tenure-track, but are full-time positions, and are renewable upon satisfactory performance. 
(4) Salary is competitive.
(5) Not limited to U.S. citizens or green-card holders. GW will try to help successful candidates get appropriate visas if necessary.
(6) The review of applications starts very soon. The positions will be filled only when the college-wide search committee is completely happy with their choices. 
(7) Two candidates for the Korean position will be selected for campus interviews and teaching demonstrations.
(8) Please do not write to me, but address all questions and send appllications to Maxine Cogar, as indicated in the advertisement copied below.
Young-Key Kim-Renaud, Chair
The Foreign Language Special Service Faculty Search Committee,
The George Washington University
The George Washington University is seeking applications for 15 full-time renewable contract positions in the following languages: Arabic (3), American Sign Language (1), Chinese (2), French (1), Hebrew (1), Japanese (1), Korean (1), and Spanish (5). Basic Qualifications: A Master’s degree in the language or a related field is required (Ph.D. preferred) as is fluency or near native fluency in English and the target language, evidence of excellence in teaching all levels of language, knowledge of a variety of contemporary teaching approaches and language learning technologies.  Review of applications begins February 26, 2007 and will continue until the positions are filled.  To apply: To be considered send letter of application specifying position(s) of interest together with curriculum vita, teaching portfolio (which should include statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi, evaluations of teaching, samples of teaching materials; a video of teaching is preferred but optional), and at least 3 letters of reference to:

Maxine Cogar
The George Washington University
Phillips Hall Room 212
801 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC  20052

Only complete applications will be reviewed.  The George Washington University is an Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
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