[KS] Korean Studies Symposium

Sungdai Cho sundy at binghamton.edu
Thu May 10 10:25:19 EDT 2007

Korean Studies Symposium

Binghamton University
October 27, 2007

In conjunction with the New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS)
Conference title: "De-centering Asia"
October 26-27, 2007

Symposium title: "Korean Peninsula and Beyond: Re-centering Korean Studies"

This symposium critically considers the notion that Korea - its 
history, politics, culture, and peoples - is a product of continuous 
and ongoing engagement and negotiation with the world beyond its 
peninsula, be it with neighbors geographically near (e.g., China, 
Japan, Russia) or far (e.g., Europe, Africa, the Americas). 
Binghamton University's Korean studies faculty and students, along 
with specially invited scholars, explore the myriad ways in which 
Korea - if not "Koreanness" - has been forged by global and 
transnational forces.  In turn, the symposium also examines the 
Korean contribution to the shaping of histories and cultures of the 
world beyond the Korean peninsula, from East Asia to North America, 
from the Pacific Islands to Central Asia.
	The symposium pivots around the screening of the documentary 
film, Koryo Saram: The Unreliable People, directed by Y. David Chung, 
who will serve as the keynote speaker for the symposium.  This 2007 
film tells the story of 180,000 Koreans, who, in 1937, were forcibly 
deported from the coastal provinces of the Far East Russia near the 
border of North Korea to the unsettled steppe country of Central Asia 
3700 miles away as part of the Soviet campaign of mass ethnic 
cleansing.  In an era where culture is no longer tied to territory, 
the story of the Korean-Kazakhs highlights the urgent and difficult 
tasks faced by Korean studies scholarship in the 21st century.


Charles Armstrong (Modern History, Columbia University)
David Chung (Cinema, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor)
John Duncan (Pre-Modern History, UCLA)
David Kang (Political Science, Dartmouth College)
Seungsook Moon (Sociology, Vasser College)

BU Participating Faculty:

Sungdai Cho (Linguistics and Language Pedagogy)
Robert Ji-Song Ku (Asian American Literature)
Yoonkyung Lee (Sociology and Political Science)
Michael Pettid (Pre-Modern Korean Literature)
Nancy Um (Art History)
Bong Joon Yoon (Economics)

For those who are interested in joining this symposium, please send 
Sungdai Cho (sundy at binghamton.edu) one-page abstract by July 1st 2007 
and the selected abstract will be notified with a partial funding and 
an inclusion in the panel.

                  Sungdai Cho
              Associate Professor
           Korean and Linguistics
Department of German, Russian and East Asian Languages
              SUNY at Binghamton
           Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
           607-777-3950, 777-2658 (f)
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