[KS] Genealogy compilation during the colonial period

Eugene Y. Park epa at sas.upenn.edu
Wed Aug 26 16:31:28 EDT 2009

Dear all,

Could anyone kindly point me to any study (or studies) showing that genealogies
made up the most popular form of Korean publication during the colonial era?

Currently I'm working on a study that argues that in spite of the way in which
one seemingly cannot even participate in genealogy discussions in South Korea
without the standard conceptual categories like the surname, bon'gwan, pa,
dollimja, etc. and oft-repated assertions that every household has a set of
jokbo, in the late 19th century many urban intellectuals, jungin, and educated
northerners began rejecting jokbo compilation as a backward custom. At least
based on my readings (e.g. Yi Kibaek's Han'guksa simin gangjwa piece on jokbo)
as well as interviews of Koreans from such backgrounds, at least an aloofness,
if not outright hostility, toward jokbo seems pronounced. I should mention,
though, that certainly from the mainstream South Korean cultural perspective
and even professional historians working mostly with yangban-produced
documents, I seem to bear the burden of proof!

Thank you advance for you help.


Eugene (Gene) Y. Park
Korea Foundation Associate Professor of History
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
E-mail: epa at sas.upenn.edu

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