[KS] e-journal Korean Histories

jimhoare64 at aol.co.uk jimhoare64 at aol.co.uk
Thu Mar 12 14:11:34 EDT 2009

I am not sure that i understand exactly what this journal will do - the 
disadvantages of being old - but it may be another useful outlet for 

-----Original Message-----
From: Walraven, B.C.A. <B.C.A.Walraven at hum.leidenuniv.nl>
To: Korean Studies Discussion List <koreanstudies at koreaweb.ws>
Sent: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:19
Subject: Re: [KS] e-journal Korean Histories



Thanks to a generous grant from the Academy of Korean Studies to Leiden 
University, the new on-line peer-reviewed journal Korean Histories will 
be launched on October 1, 2009. Korean Histories focuses on 
historiography as a social process in Korea and is devoted to research 
that heavily relies on other sources than the conventional written 
historical sources and highlights the role these unconventional sources 
play in the formation of the views of history of groups, communities 
and both non-professional and professional historians.


History is alive on the Korean peninsula. Contentious historical issues 
mobilize crowds, infuse political debates and rally netizens in fierce 
internet discussions. In popular media representations of history are a 
recurrent feature. In a society with a tradition of tracing legitimacy 
in historical precedent, social players always have felt a need to 
engage history for the sake of their cause. From professional 
historians to journalists, from novelists to activists, from 

politicians to religious leaders, from students to artists, all are 
(re-)producers of historiographies of Korea.

Methodologically sound and empirically solid histories produced by 
professional historians based on "authoritative" sources coexist in 
such a landscape with more informal, intuitive, often fluid and highly 
contextual understandings of history, creating alternative Korean 


Korean Histories will publish articles that engage these fields of 
historiographical production, where different players interact and 
influence each other, creating a web of variations and diversions from 
"standard/authoritative" national history.


The editors of Korean Histories invite submissions based on original 
research responding to the theme of historiography as social practice 
in Korea in the broadest sense possible, regardless of period, subject 
or angle. We welcome interdisciplinary or comparative submissions, and 
particularly submissions that rely on unconventional sources (such as 
music, art, religious concepts, movies, the internet, blogs, 
advertisements or literary texts), which –copyright laws permitting- 
may be published alongside the article in digital format.



Boudewijn Walraven, editor in chief

Kwon Hee-Young, editor in chief


Koen De Ceuster, managing editor

Remco Breuker, managing editor


Please send your inquiries on how to contribute to 
k.de.ceuster at hum.leidenuniv.
nl or r.e.breuker at hum.leidenuniv.nl

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