[KS] South Korea's Rollback of Democratic Rights

J.Scott Burgeson jsburgeson at yahoo.com
Wed May 6 02:41:40 EDT 2009

--- On Wed, 5/6/09, george katsiaficas <katsiaficasg at wit.edu> wrote:

> Scott, please provide us with the names and/or other
> research you've done to
> draw your conclusion.

The Hani reports that "six of about 20 civic and social group members" were hauled away by police at the "press conference." They further state that "the Human Rights Network Korea, the Korea Progressive Alliance and Korean Confederation of Trade Unions" protested this action by the police, and that one of the arrested "included a Ms. Myoung-sook of SARANGBANG group for human rights."

I happen to live by a major police station near Anguk Station in Chongno. For the past year, progressive groups affiliated with the anti-Lee Myung-bak and and-U.S. beef alliance have held repeated "press conferences" in front of this police station and other locales (such as in front of Chogye-sa and other police stations downtown). These "press conferences" in fact often resemble protests or demonstrations themselves, with loud chanting, use of bullhorns sometimes and dissemination of propaganda to passersby -- meaning non-members of the press -- and holding up large placards as well. That in itself makes me skeptical about the characterization of such activities as mere "press conferences."

More to the point, groups such as Korea Progressive Alliance and Korean Confederation of Trade Unions are well-known to be part of the above-mentioned alliance against Lee Myung-bak and the GNP. They are all working in concert together. This is well-known by just about anyone with half a brain. I live in Chongno and have observed their activities carefully and attended countless demonstrations which invariably involve the same progressive civic groups, NGOs, unions and socialist parties. The same faces have barely changed in the past year among the core organizers. You, sir, are being extremely disingenuous if you cannot admit to this basic fact.

--J. Scott Burgeson, Chongno


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