[KS] Harvard-Yenching Library Travel Grant Program

Mikyung Kang mlkang at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Oct 21 13:37:28 EDT 2009

On behalf of James Cheng, Librarian, Harvard-Yenching Library:

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The Harvard-Yenching Library is pleased to announce its Travel Grant 
Program for the 2009-2010 academic year.  The purpose of the grant is to 
assist scholars from outside the metropolitan Boston area in their use 
of the Harvard-Yenching Library's collections for research. There will 
be nineteen grants of $400 each (seven in Chinese studies, seven in 
Japanese studies, and five in Korean studies) to be awarded on a merit 
basis to faculty members and to graduate students engaged in 
dissertation research. Priority consideration will be given to those at 
institutions where there are no or few library resources in the East 
Asian languages, and no major East Asian library collections are 
available nearby. Each grantee will also be provided with the privilege 
of free photocopying of up to 100 sheets. Please note that the awards 
must be used before August 1, 2010.


Applications for the travel grant, including a letter, a brief 
description of the research topic, and an estimated budget, should be 
addressed to the following. The deadline for receiving applications is 
December 15, 2009:



James K. M. Cheng


Harvard-Yenching Library

Harvard University

2 Divinity Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02138


Fax:  (617) 496-6008

E-mail:  jkcheng at fas.harvard.edu




Mikyung Kang

Librarian for the Korean Collection

Harvard-Yenching Library

2 Divinity Ave

Cambridge, MA  02138


Tel: 617-495-0572

e-mail: mlkang at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:mlkang at fas.harvard.edu>


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