[KS] Koreanstudies Digest, Vol 122, Issue 11

Bruce Cumings rufus88 at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 13 18:04:37 EDT 2013

What Frank says is exactly right, it seems to me. My mother's family is of German extraction, so I know whereof he speaks. 

Opponents of FDR and the New deal called it fascism all through the 1930s (when they weren't calling it socialist), and as I recall, Pres. Reagan made a reference to this when he was in the White House.

I would just add one thing to Frank's useful inventory: Studebaker produced a four-door sedan called the Dictator all through the 1930s.

Best regards, Bruce

On Aug 13, 2013, at 12:00 PM, <koreanstudies-request at koreanstudies.com> wrote:

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> <<------------ KoreanStudies mailing list DIGEST ------------>>
> Today's Topics:
>   1. New Publication! Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities
>      in the Modern Korean Diaspora (Center for Korean Studies)
>   2. Re: Mein Kampf (Frank Hoffmann)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 13:02:40 -0700
> From: Center for Korean Studies <cks at berkeley.edu>
> To: Cks Departmental <cks at berkeley.edu>
> Cc: koreanstudies at koreanstudies.com
> Subject: [KS] New Publication! Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and
>    Identities in the Modern Korean Diaspora
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> Greetings from UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies Publications!
> We are pleased to announce the publication of
> Mobile Subjects: Boundaries and Identities in the Modern Korean
> Diaspora<http://ieas.berkeley.edu/publications/krm36.html>
> Korea Research Monograph 36
> edited by Wen-hsin Yeh
> 2013. 231 pp.
> ISBN-13: 978-1-55729-104-2 and ISBN-10: 1-55729-104-7
> $25.00
> By drawing attention to mobility in subjectivity ? to the contested nature
> of subjectivity in the processes of mobility ? this volume seeks to connect
> the experiences of the Korean diaspora with those of the homeland, thereby
> enriching an understanding of Korean nationalism from its flip side.
> For more information on this monograph, including how to order it, please
> visit
> http://ieas.berkeley.edu/publications/krm36.html
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> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 15:33:30 -0700
> From: Frank Hoffmann <hoffmann at koreanstudies.com>
> To: Korean Studies Discussion List <koreanstudies at koreanstudies.com>
> Subject: Re: [KS] Mein Kampf
> Message-ID: <20130812153330802335.ee2e8038 at koreanstudies.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Just to clarify two issues:
> (1.)
> About An Ho-sang I am essentially all with you for what you pointed 
> out, and the fact that he had left Germany before Nazi rule alone does 
> not seem to make such a huge difference, not in his specific case 
> anyway. After all, we talk about a philosopher--a head-heavy 
> stormtrooper. Just look at the very large ethnic German and Austrian 
> community in the U.S. during the 1930s, before the war begun, and you 
> see that it did not take any sort of physical presence in Germany to 
> become a Nazi. Many among the first generation immigrants were Nazis, 
> at least until the war started. As late as February 1939 they marched 
> with an estimated 22,000 onlookers and hundreds of swastika flags, 
> Stars and Stripes, and a huge portrait of George Washington through 
> Madison Square Garden. Also, Nazism further influenced and reinforced 
> ultra-conservative American ideologies. We may also have a second and 
> open-minded critical look at what really happened to American "national 
> identity" during the "New Deal" policies and its railroads, industry, 
> and farming work programs etc. in the 1930s, and where such changes 
> were informed from. "Liberal" is just an expandable catch word. The 
> social components that the New Deal enforced are rather close to that 
> of the Third Reich with its work programs (keyword "Autobahn"), 
> reacting to the same catastrophic economic circumstances of the late 
> 20s and early 30s. Same in the USSR at the same time, we see the 
> appearance of the Homo Sovieticus, the New Soviet man. One may not call 
> all this fascist, as, obviously, it is something that was seen in 
> various political systems. Yet, it was all during the same period, and 
> it can very well be explained in concrete terms if we, finally, dispose 
> all of our post-war and Cold War books about fascism and write new ones 
> that consider and include parallel developments worldwide. What we then 
> get is a picture where certain cultural phenomena AS WELL AS concrete 
> economic and social-political solutions which had been attached to 
> fascism, also because of the equation of modernity and modernism with 
> democracy, are not anymore connected just to that one political 
> movement. In short, we still see what we saw before, but we are then 
> able to also see it elsewhere; the cross-connections we draw on our 
> chart do not anymore place fascism in the center of it all AS IF 
> fascism were the source of all that.
> (2.)
> As for the earlier discussed Kang Se-hy?ng: the last thing I want to do 
> is to adorn myself with borrowed plumes. The credit to have 
> "rediscovered" that guy has to be given to Fujii Takeshi--I am just 
> following up (on him and several others) for a little while, and doing 
> so I see that there is just so much more to it in terms of sources and 
> expanding my own understanding, it is highly fascinating!
> Thanks!
> Frank
> On Mon, 12 Aug 2013 10:42:31 -0400, Bruce Cumings wrote:
>> I very much enjoyed Frank's post, and the fascinating people he 
>> references. An Ho-sang's studies in Germany did indeed pre-date 1933, 
>> and I forgot to say that in my post. But it is clear in my account of 
>> him in my  book.
>> Regards,
>> Bruce
> End of Koreanstudies Digest, Vol 122, Issue 11
> **********************************************

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