[KS] From Brother Anthony

Brother Anthony ansonjae at sogang.ac.kr
Tue Jun 18 21:46:18 EDT 2013

Three things:
1. I think members of this list should read the interview by James Blake Wiener of the Ancient History Encyclopedia with Dr. Mark Byington, Founder and Project Director of the Early Korea Project at the Korea Institute, Harvard University; it is very interesting   http://www.ancient.eu.com/news/3755/    In this connection, I would be glad to hear privately from any who use Vimeo regarding its advantages and possible limitations as a platform for our RAS lecture videos.

2. We who live in Korea would like to encourage members to post on the List indications of significant recent publications in the field of Korean Studies. Scholars are often shy about advertizing their own publications, which is why their admirers should do it for them.  How else are we going to find out about them? This was prompted by surprise at a mention of Henry H. Em's recent publication The Great Enterprise: Sovereignty and Historiography in Modern Korea at Duke UP. I do not recall seeing anything about it on this list? And there are many others. Retired amateurs (of which I am one) do not have easy access to scholarly journals carrying reviews.

More broadly, is there an actively updated open-access online bibliography of Korea-related publications? In particular, various museums from time to time publish sumptuous volumes as catalogues for special exhibitions. There are significant distribution problems concerning them and we are not clear whether anyone in Korea or elsewhere is listing or stocking such publications so that institutional libraries, at least, can obtain them.

3. The Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch is beginning to construct an e-book library, using some of my own materials, and including access to the Martin Uden collection. See http://www.raskb.com/content/welcome-ras-korea-e-book-library 

Brother Anthony
President, RAS Korea

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