[KS] Korean ponies' breakfast?

Frank Hoffmann hoffmann at koreanstudies.com
Fri Apr 1 02:02:55 EDT 2016

Happy First of April!
But I still have a highly serious question. 
Where does the Korean pony come from, and why does it only dine the 
finest soy bean soup with rice, and only drinks hot water? Anyone knows 
where that comes from, and for how long the Korean pony 'exists' as 


Q u o t e s :

"And such a small Korean pony is a very spoiled little animal; even it 
literally demands its cooked breakfast. This may sound strange but it's 
that way, and that is undoubtedly quite unique in the world. In Korea 
there is no forage grass, and therefore no hay. Cattle are fed like 
horses with a mixture of straw and beans, which is half-cooked and fed 
hot with plenty of warm water. Never did I see a horse in Korea, even 
in the strongest heat, that would drink cold water." (1901)

"Und so'n kleiner koreanischer Pony ist ein ganz verwöhntes Tierchen, 
der sogar buchstäblich sein warmes Frühstück verlangt. Das klingt 
merkwürdig, ist aber so und steht zweifelsohne ganz einzig in der Welt 
da. In Korea giebt es kein Futtergras, also auch kein Heu. Man füttert 
Rindvieh wie Pferde mit einem Gemisch von Häcksel und Bohnen, das halb 
gar gekocht und mit reichlich Wasser warm vorgesetzt wird. Niemals habe 
ich in Korea ein Pferd auch bei stärkster Hitze kaltes Wasser saufen 

Bruno Knochenhauer, _Korea: Vortrag, gehalten in der Abteilung 
Berlin-Charlottenburg der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft_ (1901)


"The Korean Pony (prototype of the Japanese pony) is one of the most 
salient features of Korea. The breed is peculiar to it. The animals 
used for burdens are all stallions, from 10 to 12 hands high, well 
formed, and singularly strong, carrying from 160 to 200 lbs. 30 M. 
[miles] a day, week after week, on sorry food. (...) They are fed three 
times a day on brown slush as hot as they can drink it, composed of 
[soy] beans, chopped millet-stalks, rice-husks, and bran, with the 
water in which they have been boiled. Every attempt at friendliness is 
resented with teeth and heels."  (1914)

T. Philip Terry, _Terry's Japanese Empire_ (1914)


One of James Scarth Gale's sketches (in his _Korean Sketches_) also 
describes these special dining habits.

Frank Hoffmann

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