[KS] Children, Childhood, Corporal Punishment and Violence/Violent Spaces in Chosŏn?

Marion Eggert marion.eggert at rub.de
Wed Oct 12 02:53:32 EDT 2016

Dear Robert,

The chapter on child education (/tong kyu/) in /Sasojôl /by Yi Tôngmu 李 
德懋 (1741-1793) is the foremost Chosôn source on this topic I am aware 
of. It contains quite a few passages on corporal punishment 
(recommending it as method for stopping the more serious vices). 
Literature on this work might prove a good starting point into the 
subject. There is a German language M.A. thesis on it (by Xenia Kirgiz), 
which will be hard to come by, but certainly you can find a good amount 
of Korean language literature on this book.

Good luck with your research

Am 12.10.2016 um 01:40 schrieb Robert Winstanley-Chesters:
> Hello to the Korean Studies world list serv
> I am a Research Fellow at Australian National University, College of 
> Asia and the Pacific and normally work on the geographies and 
> topographies of the Korean Peninsula. Given that I wonder if I might 
> seek the KS lists' help in accessing literature (including accessible 
> doctoral theses) which addresses the role of childhood, children and 
> child development during Korea's Chosŏn era. I am particularly 
> interested in cultural conceptions of the role of corporal punishment 
> on children (either during education or in the home), and other 
> moments of violence and aggression against the body of the child. As I 
> am a Geographer I am also interested in the places, spaces and 
> infrastructures in which violence against children might have or did 
> take place. I thank anyone for any help or suggestions - I have gone 
> through as much of the literature as I can and have not yet found what 
> I am looking for from any discipline. It could of course be as always 
> that I am missing something enormous or looking in entirely the wrong 
> place.
> Dr Robert Winstanley-Chesters (Australian National University) - 
> robert.winstanley-chesters at anu.edu.au and 
> r.winstanley-chesters at leeds.ac.uk

Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Sprache und Kultur Koreas
Universitätsstr 134, room 2.06
D-44780 Bochum

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