[KS] Conference Announcement: "Nationality and Transnationality in Modern Korea" at the University of Tuebingen, July 7-8 2017

Taejin Hwang hwangtaejin at gmail.com
Tue Jun 20 07:29:38 EDT 2017

The Korean Studies Program at the University of Tuebingen is pleased to
announce our upcoming conference.

*The Inaugural International Conference of the Tuebingen Global Korea
Project:                   “Nationality and Transnationality in Modern

                                  Department of Chinese and Korean Studies
                             Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany
                                                    July 7-8, 2017

*                                        DAY ONE: Friday, July 7, 2017*

*9:00-9:20: Welcome and Opening Remarks*
      Opening: You Jae Lee, Director of the Tuebingen Global Korea Project
      Welcome: Jürgen Leonhard, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities,
University of Tübingen
      Introduction: Taejin Hwang, Co-organizer of the Conference

*9:20-1:00: SESSION I: Nationality and Citizenship*
Moderator: Jong-Chol An (University of Tübingen, Germany)

     9:20-10:10: Jie-Hyun Lim (Sogang University, Korea)
     Re-problematizing the Nationalist Imagination of Korea in the Global
Memory Space

     10:10-11:00: Jeong-Seon Lee (Hallym University, Korea)
     The Legal Status of the “Joseonin (Korean)” during the Japanese
Colonial Period and Japanese-Korean Intermarriages

     11:20-12:10: Chulwoo Lee (Yonsei University, Korea)
     The Law and Politics of Ethnizenship: The Creation and Preferential
Treatment of Kin-Foreigners in Comparative

     12:10-1:00: Sung Ho Kim (Yonsei University, Korea & Keio University,
     A Room of One’s Own: Making of We the People of (South) Korea

*2:30-5:20: SESSION II: Migrations and Border Crossings*
Moderator: Taejin Hwang (University of Tübingen, Germany)

     2:30-3:20: Jaeeun Kim (University of Michigan, USA)
     Ethnic Capital and Flexible Citizenship in Unfavorable Legal Contexts:
Stepwise Migration of the Korean Chinese

     3:20-4:10: Eleana Kim (University of California at Irvine, USA)
     From Immediate Family to Invasive Alien: Transnational Korean Adoptees
and the Production of Deportability

     4:30-5:20: Hae Yeon Choo (University of Toronto at Mississauga, Canada)
     Producing Migrant Containment: Everyday Politics of Immigration Raids
in the Shadow of Citizenship

*5:20-6:00: Publication Plans Discussion*

*                                 DAY TWO: Saturday, July 8, 2017*

*9:00-12:40: SESSION III: Cold War Connections and Transnational
Moderator: You Jae Lee (University of Tübingen, Germany)

     9:00-9:50: Ingu Hwang (University of Chicago, USA)
     The WCC’s Human Rights Advocacy and Transnational Democratization in
South Korea during the 1970s

     9:50-10:40: Jane S. H. Kim (University of California at Los Angeles,
     Re–evaluating the World Health Organization and Leprosy Work in Korea

     11:00-11:50: Jeyeon Oh (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
     Interweaving of the Cold War and Post-Colonialism: Asian Peoples'
Anti-Communist League and South Korea

     11:50-12:40: Seuk Ryule Hong (Sungshin Women's University, Korea)
     A Ping-Pong Diplomacy Without a Thaw: The US-North Korea Relations
during the Détente Period

*12:40-1:00: Closing Remarks*


For further information, please visit: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/de/87251

Organization: Korean Studies Program, University of Tübingen

Support: Academy of Korean Studies

Contact: Taejin Hwang: taejin.hwang at uni-tuebingen.de
              You Jae Lee: lee at aoi.uni-tuebingen.de
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