[KS] Passing of Dr. Yuri Vasilyevich Vanin

Frank Joseph Shulman fshulman at umd.edu
Mon Oct 23 11:13:35 EDT 2017

Dear Colleagues,

As a follow-up to Vladimir Tikhonov's posting about the passing of Dr.
Yuri Vasilyevich Vanin, I am taking this occasion to share with you --
simply for your own information -- the penultimate draft of the
bibliographical entry for him that will appear in my forthcoming
bibliography, "The First Century of Doctoral Dissertations on Korea,
1903-2004". I am indebted to Dr. Tanya Simbirtseva for her assistance
several years ago in preparing this particular entry.

With best wishes,


Frank Joseph Shulman
Bibliographer, Editor and Consultant for Reference Publications in Asian Studies
9225 Limestone Place
College Park, Maryland 20740-3943 (U.S.A.)
E-mail: fshulman at umd.edu

October 23, 2017


VANIN, IUrii Vasil'evich  (1930- 2017).
Feodal'naia Koreia v XIII-XIV vv.  [Text in Russian: Feudal Korea
during the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries.]  Institut narodov
Azii Akademii nauk SSSR [Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] [subsequently renamed Institut
vostokovedeniia] [Russia], 1963 (Kandidat istoricheskikh nauk
[Candidate of Historical Sciences]).  Chairperson-Major Adviser:
Mikhail Nikolaevich Pak.  198p.  No known published abstract
(avtoreferat).  For a copy of the dissertation typescript, contact the
Dissertation Department at the Khimki branch of the Russian State
Library (Otdel' dissertatsii, Rossiiskaia gosudarstvennaia biblioteka,
Ulitsa Bibliotechnaia 15, Khimki, Moskovskaia Oblast' 141400, Russia).

Basing his study primarily on medieval Korean chronicles, Vanin
described the last phase of the history of the Koryô (Goryeo) state,
the character and the forms of feudal landownership, and the
agriculture, crafts and trade, and social structure of Koryô Korea.
Against this background, he analyzed the weakening of the Koryô state
during the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. Vanin's
dissertation throws light on the thirteenth century Mongol invasion of
Koryô and the brave resistance of the Korean people, as well as the
reasons for Koryô's surrender to the Mongol rulers of the Yuan dynasty
(1279-1368). Furthermore, it discusses the relations between Koryô and
Yuan China, the forms and methods of the Mongol exploitation of Koryô,
and its destructive impact on all spheres of contemporary Korean life.
Finally, Vanin showed that the Mongol invasion and Korea's subjugation
to China were important factors in Koryô's deteriorating socioeconomic
situation and in the intensification of the political struggle that
brought about the fall of the ruling dynasty and the founding of the
new Chosôn (Joseon) state in 1392. Note: Vanin's candidate's degree
was awarded on the basis of his published monograph. While at the
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, he
directed the doctoral dissertations on Korea by Ruben Levonovich
Kazar'ian and Kvan So Ki that were completed between 1997 and 2003.
For further information about him, his scholarly accomplishments and
his views regarding the development of Korean Studies in the U.S.S.R.
and Russia, see the interview conducted by Kee Kwang-seo entitled
"Yuri V. Vanin" in the March 2005 issue (vol. 8, no.1) of the Review
of Korean Studies (Seoul): 103-29; and the bio-bibliographical article
(in Russian) "Vanin IUrii Vasil'evich" together with a listing of his
publications on Korea dating from the years 1962-2006 on pages 171-77
of Sovremennoe rossiiskoe koreevedenie: spravochnoe izdanie
[Contemporary Russian Korean Studies: A Reference Book], compiled by
L. R. Kontsevich and T. M. Simbirtseva (Moskva: "Pervoe Marta", 2006).

Contents: Table of contents of the published version of the
dissertation: Vvedenie. 1. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe i politicheskoe
polozhenie Korei k nachaly XIII v. (Kharakter i formy feodal'nogo
zemlevladeniia; Zemledelie; Remesla i torgovlia; Klassovaia struktura;
Formy ekspluatatsii trudiashchikhsia mass; Nachalo oslableniia
gosudarstva Korio). 2. Mongol'skoe nashestvie i bor'ba koreiskogo
naroda protiv zavoevatelei (Otnoshenie Korio s mongol'skoi derzhavoi v
1218-1231 gg.; Vtorzhenie mongol'skikh zavoevatelei v Koreiu v
1231-1232 gg.; Ustanovlenie mongol'skogo gospodstva v Korio; Vosstanie
Sambel'chkho i ego znachenie). 3. Mongol'skoe igo i dal'neishee
obostrenie vnutrennikh protivorechii v Korio (Ekspluatatsiia Korio
mongol'skimi zavoevateliami; Dal'neishee oslablenie gosudarstvennoi
tsentralizatsii i rost chastnogo zemlevladeniia; Ekonomicheskoe
polozhenie Korio; Usilenie feodal'noi ekspluatatsii; Nekotorye
izmeneniia v klassovoi strukture feodal'nogo obshchestva; Padenie
mongol'skogo iga; Obostrenie politicheskoi bor'by po vtoroi polovine
XIV v.). Zakliuchenie. Bibliografiia: pp.184-86. Glossarii: pp.187-92.
Indeksy: pp.193-97.

Contents Translated: Introduction. 1. The Socioeconomic and Political
Situation in Korea at the Beginning of the Thirteenth Century (The
Characteristics and Forms of Feudal Landownership; Farming;
Handicrafts and Trade; Class Structure; Forms of Exploiting the
Working Masses; The Beginning of the Weakening of the State of Koryô).
2. The Mongol Invasions and the Struggle of the Korean People against
the Invaders (Koryô's Relations with the Mongol State, 1218-1231; The
Invasion of the Mongol Conquerors of Korea, 1231-1232; The
Establishment of Mongol Dominance in Korea; The Sambyôl (Sambyeol)
Uprising and Its Meaning). 3. The Mongol Yoke and the Further
Intensification of Internal Contradictions in Koryô (The Mongol
Conquerors' Exploitation of Koryô; The Further Weakening of Government
Centralization and the Growth of Private Landownership; The Economic
Position of Koryô; The Intensification of Feudal Exploitation; Some
Changes in the Class Structure of Feudal Society; The Fall of the
Mongol Yoke; Intensification of the Political Struggle in the Second
Half of the Fourteenth Century). Conclusion. Bibliography: pp.184-86.
Glossary: pp.187-92. Indexes: pp.193-97.
    Published as Feodal'naia
Koreia v XIII-XIV vv., by IU. V. Vanin. Moskva: Izdatelstvo vostochnoi
literatury, 1962. 198p. Related publication: Agrarnyi stroi feodal'noi
Korei XV-XVI vv. [The Agrarian System of Feudal Korea, 15th-16th
Centuries], by IU. V. Vanin. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka", Glav. red.
vostochnoi lit-ry, 1981. 309p.

Source: "The First Century of Doctoral Dissertations on Korea,
1903-2004: An Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Western Languages
Concerned in Their Entirely or in Part with Korea Accompanied by Notes
about the Academic Backgrounds and Master's Theses of Many of the
Authors", compiled, annotated and edited by Frank Joseph Shulman
[forthcoming multi-volume work].

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