[KS] CALL FOR PAPERS on the Agency of Korean Women and BAKS Annual General Meeting
James B. Lewis
jay.lewis at orinst.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jul 27 07:52:28 EDT 2018
*CALL FOR PAPERS on the Agency of Korean Women and BAKS Annual General
*The Agency of Korean Women, 29 September 2018—BAKS Workshop, Wolfson
College, Oxford*
The British Association for Korean Studies (BAKS) is calling for paper
or presentation or panel or round-table proposals for a one-day Workshop
to be held at Wolfson College, Oxford, on 29 September 2018. Please
direct all communications to James Lewis (jay.lewis at orinst.ox.ac.uk) and
Charlotte Horlyck (ch10 at soas.ac.uk). All proposals should address the
general theme of the workshop. Deadline for proposals: 15 September 2018.
The BAKS Council wishes to celebrate the centenary of the expansion of
suffrage to British women in 1918 by taking up the workshop theme of
‘The Agency of Korean Women’. The enfranchised UK electorate expanded
from 7.7 million in 1912 to 21.4 million in 1918. Men benefited as well
from the Representation of the People Act, because it extended suffrage
to all men of 21 and older, while enfranchising women of 30 and older
who owned property. Clearly, the advancement of women’s rights had the
advantage of carrying men along in its wake. In 1928 all women 21 and
older, with or without property, were enfranchised. As the suffragette
movement and more recent feminist movements have shown, the enlargement
of political, economic, and legal rights to females has not been a gift
to women but has been fought for and won as a major expansion of the
freedoms that underlie liberal democracies.
The BAKS Council calls for proposals for papers, presentations, panels,
or round-table discussions to consider the agency of Korean women in
politics, economy, and art and literature, both historically as well as
in the modern societies of the Republic of Korea and the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea. In the Republic of Korea, women were
enfranchised from 1948, but feminist activism has long been directed at
the Family Law and laws governing employment and is aligned with
de-colonization efforts to battle cultural prejudice against women and
historical and contemporary violence directed at women. In the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the 1946 Law on Sex Equality set
out an ambitious agenda, which has been expanded through various labour
laws and has included women in military conscription from 2015. There
are reports that women now dominate the alternate economy of commercial
activity and are often principal breadwinners for the family. We call
for papers and presentations that explore these themes.
Venue: Wolfson College, Oxford
*Parking available at no cost.*
Workshop registration fee (coffee/tea, lunch, wine): £15 for students
and concessions; £25 for all others.
Tentative schedule:
10.00 Registration Opens with coffee service
10.50 Welcome by the President of BAKS
11.00 ~ 12.30 Paper Presentations in the Haldane Room
12.30 ~ 1.30 Lunch in the Buttery (sandwich)
1.30 ~ 2.30 AGM (new Council members and award of the Bill
Skillend Prize)
2.30 ~ 4.00 Paper Presentations in the Haldane Room
4.00 ~ 4.15 Coffee/tea
4.15 ~ 5.45 Paper Presentations in the Haldane Room
5.45 ~ Closing remarks and wine reception
Dr. James B. Lewis
President of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe
Associate Professor of Korean History, Fellow of Wolfson College
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
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