[KS] Study abroad cancellations

Robert M Oppenheim rmo at austin.utexas.edu
Fri Feb 28 16:10:22 EST 2020

Dear Korean studies list members,

The University of Texas at Austin is one of the North American universities that cancelled Spring 2020 undergraduate study abroad in S. Korea a few days ago, and recalled all undergraduate students already there.  Because of where we already are almost halfway through the Spring 2020 semester here in Austin, the affected students are not being allowed to register for replacement UT courses.  They are, instead, being required to withdraw for the semester, and actually must apply for readmission to the university in Fall 2020, although they have been assured that this is pro forma.

While I suspect that the situation is roughly the same at other semester-system universities that have recalled their Korean study abroad students, I am curious if there are exceptions or better alternatives in the works elsewhere.



Robert Oppenheim
Department of Asian Studies
University of Texas at Austin
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