[KS] Publication announcement: Whose Comfort?: Body, Sexuality and Identities of Korean 'Comfort Women' and Japanese Soldiers during WWII.

Yonson Ahn yonsona at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 18:06:56 EST 2020

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to share news regarding my monograph on “comfort women”:  

Whose Comfort?:  Body, Sexuality and Identities of Korean 'Comfort Women' and Japanese Soldiers during WWII. 

by Yonson Ahn, New Jersey & London: World Scientific. 2019W

https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11444#t=aboutBook <https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/11444#t=aboutBook>

This book examines the system of military ‘comfort women’ in World War II created and maintained to provide sexual servitude to its armed forces by Japan during World War II. The ways in which body, sexuality and identity are deployed in the maintenance of colonial/nationalist power, patriarchal relations and ethnic hierarchies are explored in this work. To achieve this objective requires examining issues of body politics, power, femininity and military masculinity, all of which are entangled in the context of the ‘comfort women’ system. This volume relies mainly on personal narratives, including testimonies and life histories of Korean ‘comfort women’ victims/survivors and Japanese veterans obtained from interviews that the author conducted as well as from previously published testimonies.


The Military 'Comfort Women': An Introduction
Speaking the Unspeakable: Overwhelming Encounters
The Making of a Warrior
Contested Bodies: The Making of Military 'Comfort Women'
Current 'Comfort Women' Issues: Breaking the Silence and Global Solidarity
Best regards, Yonson Ahn

Professor & director of Korean Studies, korea.uni-frankfurt.de  
Goethe University of Frankfurt 

Senckenberganlage 31,   60325 Frankfurt am Main,  GERMANY

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