[KS] [Call for Papers] IJKUS Vol. 29, No.1 (~April 21, 2020)
kinujournal at kinu.or.kr
Wed Jan 22 02:14:28 EST 2020
[Call for Papers]
Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) announces a call for papers for International Journal of Korean Unification Studies(IJKUS), Vol. 29, No.1.
IJKUS is a Korea Citation Index (KCI) candidated journal, a biannual journal published on June 30 and December 31.
Experts in areas that include, but not limited to, unification, inter-Korean relations, international affairs related to the Korean Peninsula, and issues in Northeast Asia are welcome to submit their papers.
※Note: IJKUS is subject to a KCI journal evaluation by National Research Foundation of Korea in 2020. If the evaluation result scheduled to be announced in October this year confirms that its current candidated status gets raised to a KCI accredited journal, its renewed status of accredited journal will also be applied to the previously published journal(vol. 29, no.1).
1. Eligibility
- Professors, research fellows, and independent researchers with a doctorate degree
- Experts in the field of North Korean and unification studies or other related areas
- A person of qualification commensurate with such criteria
2. Journal´s Area of Coverage
- Korean Peninsular issues: inter-Korean relations, unification, and North Korea
- Studies on peace and stability in Northeast Asia
- Foreign policy and international affairs related to the Korean Peninsula, etc.
3. Submission Guide and Deadline
- Length: 6,000-10,000 words (Font size 12), abstract and short biography (approximately 150 words each) ※Use MS-Word only※
- Submit to: kinujournal at kinu.or.kr; (Tel) +82 2 2023 8208 (email is preferred)
- Submission Deadline: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere; manuscripts under consideration for publication elsewhere are ineligible. This also assumes the fact that the author abides by the Code of Ethical Behavior and is willing to accept liability, if one fails to meet the Code of Ethical Behavior.
We provide an honorarium for the articles that have been chosen for publication. For more information, please refer to the attached Manuscript Guideline and Code of Ethical Behavior (the two files are available for download below). Please check out the lists of IJKUS on the following website link: http://www.kinu.or.kr/www/jsp/prg/api/dlLE2.jsp?menuIdx=647&category=130&thisPage=1&searchField=&searchText=
Lim Yeowon
Research Associate & English Editor
International Journal of Korean Unification Studies
External Affairs and Public Relations Team
Korea Institute for National Unification
임여원 연구원 (영문논총 편집간사 & 영문에디터)
통일연구원 기획조정실 대외홍보팀
Tel(O): 02-2023-8208
E-mail: ds1kde at kinu.or.kr
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