[KS] new excavation report of completely preserved Old Silla tomb

Junghee Lee dilj at pdx.edu
Sun Aug 15 23:57:59 EDT 2021


Cool news in hot summer.
I would like to let you know a new excavation report of an undisturbed tomb
in Hwangnamdong No. 120-2 tomb, in Kyongju (Gyeongju), with a corpse, gold,
gilt bronze crown, shoes, and gold jewelry and harnesses the way they were
buried, with vivid on-site images on youtube in Korean.
It is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuadj8OtdvY.
It shows on site explanations.  경주 황남동 고분 온라인 설명회 by archaeologist.

Best wishes,

Junghee Lee
Professor of Art History
School of Art and Design
Portland State University
P. O. Box 751
Portland, OR  97207-0751
U. S. A.
leeju at pdx.edu

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