[KS] "Contemporary Korean Shamanism: From Ritual to Digital: Book Talk" by Liora Sarfati

Barbara Wall nabibabi at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 10:40:01 EST 2022

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The book talk on "Contemporary Korean Shamanism: From Ritual to Digital:
Book Talk" by Liora Sarfati is now available online:

The talk discusses how Korean shamanic rituals, which were once viewed as
an embarrassing superstition, are going mainstream. The theatrical
religious performances of Korean shamans―who communicate with the dead,
divine the future, and become possessed―are now visible in various formats
and media. Attitudes toward Korean shamanism are changing as shamanic
traditions appear in staged rituals, museums, films, and television
programs, as well as on the internet. My research explores this vernacular
religion and practice, which includes sensory rituals using laden altars,
ecstatic dance, and animal sacrifice, within South Korea's
hypertechnologized society, where over 200,000 shamans are listed in
professional organizations. It discusses how representations of shamanism
in national, commercialized, and screen-mediated settings have transformed
opinions of these religious practitioners and their rituals.

Liora Sarfati is an anthropologist and folklorist whose specialism spans
religion, society, culture, and the media. She holds a Ph.D. from Indiana
University, and is currently a senior lecturer (associate professor) at the
Department of East Asian studies of Tel Aviv University. Her research
explores the production of vernacular rituals in contemporary South Korea,
and the recent protests in downtown Seoul. Sarfati’s research methods
include ethnography in urban settings, media analysis, folklore research,
and digital humanities (email: lsarfati at tauex.tau.ac.il , website:


All the best,


*Barbara Wall *
Associate Professor Korean Studies
Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies
University of Copenhagen
Karen Blixens Plads 8
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Phone: +45-51799185 <barbara.wall at hum.ku.dk>

Mail: barbara.wall at hum.ku.dk

Link: https://ccrs.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/583023
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