[KS] new special issue of Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies

King, Ross Ross.King at ubc.ca
Mon Dec 4 14:05:16 EST 2023

May I please ask you to share this information with colleagues on our listserve? 

I am pleased to share “Inter- and Intra-lingual Translation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis,” the newest issue of Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies (23:2), edited by Ross King. 

In the first special issue of the Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, contributors examine pre-1945 topics on East Asia in the humanities writ large, focusing on translation studies and translation history in the sinographic East Asian region. The first two articles in the issue cover translation in Edo Japan, including the ideas and practice of Ban Kōkei and Remarks on Poetry from Makuzugahara by Tendai Buddhist priest Rikunyo. The remaining articles are about Korea, covering modern-day assumptions about translation in traditional Korea and contrasting modern translations from North and South Korea of Unyŏng chŏn, an early seventeenth-century fictional narrative written in Literary Sinitic, among other topics.

Contributors to this issue are Rebekah Clements, Matthew Fraleigh, Itō Hideto 伊藤英人, Ross King, Young Kyun Oh, Yi Ok 李鈺, and Daniel Pieper. 

Start reading for free: https://read.dukeupress.edu/sungkyun-journal-of-east-asian-studies/issue/23/2. Subscribe to the journal here: https://www.dukeupress.edu/sungkyun-journal-of-east-asian-studies. 

With my thanks, 

Ross King
Professor of Korean
Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia
Asian Centre, 1871 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
vox: 604-822-2835
fax: 604-822-8937
ross.king at ubc.ca

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