[KS] U of Montreal Korean Studies Hallyu conference CF

George L Kallander glkallan at syr.edu
Wed Dec 13 12:36:19 EST 2023

Dear All,

Courtesy of Professor Victoria Lupascu (University of Montreal):

Update: CALL FOR PAPERS* Deadline extended to December 20, 2023

Surface Tension: Popular K-Arts vs Korean Arts in the Hallyu Era
AAPlab’s 3rd International Conference on February 22-24, 2024
University of Montreal (UdeM), Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The Asian Art Publication Lab (AAPlab) will hold its third international conference “Surface Tension: Popular K-Arts vs Korean Arts in the Hallyu Era” from February 22nd to 24th, 2024, at the University of Montreal (UdeM) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Here the term “K-Arts” refers to Korean popular arts such as K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Cinema etc., while “Korean Arts” refers to both traditional and contemporary artistic production.

This conference aims to examine how environmental, geocultural and geopolitical issues are represented or silenced in the K-Arts while also acknowledging the groundbreaking achievements of the Hallyu or Korean Wave in changing global perceptions of Asian arts and culture. With its central question “Can the arts speak up?” the conference responds to Guattari’s notion of ecology, which incorporates the social and subjective into the environmental and thus can equally be applied to our living conditions, sustainability, ecosophy and equilibria as expressed through the arts.

The conference welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines, including Cinema and Media Studies, Film Philosophy, Geoculture, Geopolitics and Asian Art History, on topics including but not limited to:

● K-Arts (popular arts) vs Korean Arts (traditional and contemporary arts)
● K-Film, K-Drama, K-Webtoons (manhwa), K-Pop, digital media, new media
● visual and interactive arts
● technology and social media
● aesthetics of poetics and transnational expression
● ethnographical, geocultural and geopolitical topics

Submission guidelines: Proposals can be submitted in English or French to asianartpublicationlab at gmail.com<mailto:asianartpublicationlab at gmail.com> no later than 11:59 PM (EST) on December 20 th , 2023. Individual proposals are limited to 250 words max, plus a 100-word bio of the presenter(s), a max of 5 keywords and 3 bibliographical references. We welcome papers from artists, established researchers, postdoctoral and early-career scholars, and postgraduate students.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by December 30 th , 2023.

The conference will be held in person with some virtual access and will be free of charge to attend. For invited presenters, lodging (up to two nights) and meals will be covered.

For more information, please visit: https://koreanfilmfestivalcanada.ca/conference-2024/
For inquiries: AAPlab at asianartpublicationlab at gmail.com<mailto:asianartpublicationlab at gmail.com>
Social media: AAPlab, KFFC, Instagram

Also contact Professor Lupascu at victoria-oana.lupascu at umontreal.ca<mailto:victoria-oana.lupascu at umontreal.ca>

All the best,
Professor of History
Director, East Asia Program at the Moynihan Institute
Graduate Director, Department of History
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University

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