[KS] CALL FOR PAPERS - University of Hawaii School of Pacific and Asian Studies Graduate Conference

Graduate Conference gradconf at hawaii.edu
Fri Dec 15 21:21:42 EST 2023


The School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS) and the Department of Asian
Studies at the *University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) *are excited to
announce our call for papers for our 35th annual *Asian Studies Graduate
Student Conference.* The conference will be held on *April 4-5th, 2024*, at
the Campus Center of the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

We invite you to forward this notification widely throughout your networks,
so that any interested graduate students may apply. Abstracts are due
on *January
15th*, and can be submitted to the following link:
*https://forms.gle/9KJzyE6g8vora5cJ9* <https://forms.gle/9KJzyE6g8vora5cJ9>

For the 2024 conference, we are proud to present the theme *Living “Asia.” *The
theme seeks to question how what we call “Asia” is seen, heard, or
experienced. A diverse range of interactions and sensorial realities shape
the lived experiences of people across the region. How do day-to-day
encounters within Asia contribute to complex and overlapping notions of
identity, community, or visions for the future? On the other side of the
coin, how do we experience Asia as researchers? What individual affective
reactions, including responses to art, spaces, storytelling, current
events, or climate challenges, produce our ideas about Asia and the
countries and cultures that comprise it? Every scholarly idea begins with
personal experiences – our own, other peoples’, or both. This conference
seeks to ground its discussion of Asia in the lived, human experiences that
give rise to the ideas we share. We welcome submissions from any
disciplinary or interdisciplinary background, and look forward to hearing
more about your research.

The 2024 SPAS Graduate Student Conference will feature Dr. Arfa Sayeda
Zehra as the keynote speaker. Dr. Zehra is a Pakistani educationist and
Urdu language expert, and is currently a Professor Emeritus of History at
Forman Christian College in Lahore, Pakistan. She was formerly the
Principle of Lahore College for Women University, and was a chairperson on
the Pakistani National Commission on the Status of Women. Dr. Zehra
currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Prime Minister for Education
and National Harmony Affairs in Pakistan. She is recognized for her
knowledge on Urdu language and literature, the intellectual history of
South Asia, and South Asian social issues and human rights.

*Why Apply?*

The SPAS Graduate Student Conference gives students an opportunity to
present their research to a friendly group of peers and professors. As many
students from across the U.S., Europe, and Asia attend the conference,
there are ample opportunities to network with fellow academics with a
passion for the study of Asia. Additionally, there will be several* “Best
Paper” prizes* funded by the area centers at UHM
<https://manoa.hawaii.edu/asianstudies/centers/> (monetary amounts to be
confirmed at a later date):

●      Best Korea paper

●      Best Japan paper

●      Best China paper

●      Best Southeast Asia paper

●      Best South Asia paper

●      Best Inter-Asia paper

*Who Can Apply?*

Graduate students in any academic discipline, from any academic
institution, with a focus on Asia.

*How to Apply?*

Applicants should submit a *250-300 word abstract* through the following
online form: *https://forms.gle/9KJzyE6g8vora5cJ9*
<https://forms.gle/9KJzyE6g8vora5cJ9>. The deadline to submit
abstracts is *January
15th*, and applicants should expect to hear back with regards to their
acceptance to the conference in mid-February, 2024.

 Please direct any questions to conference organizers Lucie Crowley Duffy
and Celia Langford at *gradconf at hawaii.edu <gradconf at hawaii.edu>*. You can
also follow the department’s social media accounts for updates, or *visit
our website.* <https://spasgraduateconference.wordpress.com/>

Mahalo, and we hope to see many of your students at the conference!

Lucie Crowley Duffy (lrcduffy at hawaii.edu) & Celia Langford (c
<http://goog_1709173206>elialan at hawaii.edu)
SPAS Graduate Student Conference 2024 Co-organizers
College of Arts, Languages, and Letters (CALL)
University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
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