[KS] Re: Using han'gul fonts

Charles Muller acmuller at human.toyogakuen-u.ac.jp
Tue Nov 16 05:09:47 EST 1999

> Does Korean Windows allow producing t
ext in
> languages which use these characters
without any trouble?

This is not a matter of "Korean" or any
other localized version of Windows. If
you are using Windows 98 of any type, y
ou have the option to use the full set
of characters contained in Unicode, inc
luding all of the scripts from the majo
r living languages.

The only question is whether or not you
have the fonts installed in your system
. For diacritical characters, a *full*
set (including diacritics for Indic, Ti
betan, Skandinavian, Vietnamese, etc.,
etc.) that is mapped to Unicode has bee
n developed by Jost Gippert and his tea
m (with the help of Bitstream) at the T
ITUS project at the University of Frank
furt. To get a set of these fonts, you
can write to Jost at <gippert at em.uni-fr
ankfurt.de>. If you are using Word 97,
Netscape 4.0+, Explorer 4.0+ you can us
e these fonts (although you need some e
xtra tagging work in Netscape to get th
em to display properly). I don't know a
bout other major word processors, such
as Word Perfect, but I would assume tha
t the latest versions would have to sup
port Unicode, which means that you can
use these fonts.

If you are using Word 2000, it is even
easier, as Microsoft has a Unicode-mapp
ed Arial font that also includes all La
tin diacritical characters--although it
is not very pretty. If you need to prin
t out, the TITUS font is close enough t
o Times New Roman that you can use TITU
S where you need it, and use TNR for th
e rest.

If you are using Windows 95 instead of
98, all of this is still possible, but
takes a bit more effort, as you need to
download special font packages. For tho
se who are working with international s
cripts, it is clearly worthwhile to upg
rade from Win95 to Win98. And if you ar
e Word user, it is worthwhile to make t
he move from Word 97 to Word 2000.

Unionway, NJStar and such programs are
gradually becoming redundant.




Charles Muller

Resources for East Asian Language and T

Toyo Gakuen University
1660 Hiregasaki, Nagareyama-shi
Chiba 270-0161 JAPAN


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