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Korean Studies - Film

Women's and Gender Studies   

Women's Studies Database (at the University of Maryland)

  ↳ Seung-kyung Kim is working on Korea at U of Maryland
Women's Studies e-Resources (at the University of Wisconsin)
  ↳ Eunjung Kim is working on Korea at U of Wisconsin

GenderStats - a Database of Gender (World Bank)

Women's Studies Programs Worldwide (by Joan Korenman)
Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) (lists many resources)
  ↳ Feminist News Search
Women in Politics - Bibliographic Database (IPU)


• Women's and/or Gender Studies Programs in Korea:

  ↳ Seoul National U - Interdisciplinary Program in Gender

  ↳ Seoul Women's U - Women's Studies Institute

  ↳ Ewha Womans U - Asian Center for Women's Studies

  ↳ Ewha Womans U - Korean Women's Institute

  ↳ Catholic U of Korea - Gender Equality Institute

  ↳ Chonnam National U - Institute of Women's Studies

  ↳ Sookmyung Women's U - Research Institute of Asian Women
  ↳ Asian Association of Women's Studies (AAWS)


Bibliography - Korean Women (K.R. Robinson)
Asian-American Women: Research Guide (Ken Middleton)

여성가족부 / ROK Ministry of Gender Equality & Family

한국여성노동자회 / Korean Women Workers Association

한국여성유권자연맹 (Korean League of Women Voters)

여성신문 (Womens' Newspaper)

일본군위안부 피해자 e-역사관 / E-Museum for the Victims of    Japanese Military Sexual Slavery ('Comfort Women')

한국여성정책연구원 / Korean Women's Development Institute


Gender Studies Korea (Google Scholar SEARCH)

Gender Studies Korea (Amazon.com SEARCH)

여성문화이론연구소 / Center for Women's & Cultural Theory

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) in the ROK
Korean Sexual-Minority Culture & Rights Center (KSCRC)
Korean Queer Archive


Buddy (Korean LGBT magazine)

RainbowRing (magazine)

Aesthetic Surgery and Related Studies:

Aesthetic Surgery in the ROK
Aesthetic Surgery, Research Project

  ↳ Article, R. Holliday & J. E-Hwang

ROK Plastic Surgery

aesthetic surgery