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Korean Studies - Film

한국학유관기관 / Gateway to Korean Studies Materials
  AKS; links to about 90 online resources at 22 institutions!


한국역사정보통합시스템 (Korean History On-line)
  The portal allows combined searches for/in (often full-text) sources at major Korean institional databases and libraries, incl. Kyujanggak, AKS, etc. The databases include classical works, maps, court records of the Chosŏn period, materials related to anti-Japanese movements, etc.


한국역대인물 종합정보시스템 (AKS; biographical dictionary)

한국학전자도서관 (Digital Library of Korean Studies, AKS)
   combined searches of records and full-text publications at several organizations and libraries, e-Books, free and commercial services

국가전자도서관 (National Digital Library)
  combined searches of records and full-text publications at several organizations and libraries (KERIS, National Library)

국립중앙도서관 (Digitized Resources, National Library of Korea)

KERIS and KISS (includes full-text Korean M.A. and PhD
  theses, many thousand of journal articles [for a fee], e-Books)

Korean History: A Bibliography (K.R. Robinson)

한국 역사 문화 조사 자료 데이터베이스 [Korean History &
   Culture Research Database] - archaeology since the 1940s

한국고고학회 / The Korean Archeological Society

Early Korea Project (early history and archaeology)

역사학회 (The Korean Historical Association)
  ↳ eResources & Bibliography
Korean history

국사편찬위원회 / National Institute of Korean History

      ↳ 朝鮮王朝實錄 [Veritable records of the Chosŏn dynasty]
      ↳ 承政院日記 [Daily records of the Royal Secretariat]
  ↳ DOCUMENTS listed by period (overview and links)


전자사료관 (Archives of Korean History) at 국사편찬위원회

戦後日本における朝鮮史文献目録 [Bibliography of postwar Japanese
   research in Korean studies]


한국고전번역원 [Institute for the Tradition of Korean Classics]
   over 1,300 works of Korean classics online


Korean Rare Books Project (Harvard U)


국가문화유산포털 (National Cultural Heritage Portal)
  digital images of old manuscripts, books, letters, documents


朝鮮族譜データベース [Korean Genealogies Database]
   640 Korean genealogies held at University of Tokyo


EncyKorea (한국민족문화대백과사전)


국가지식포털 (Korea Knowledge Portal) - Any data on Korea


Glossary of Korean Studies (with English translation) (AKS)


Chosŏn Period Terms & English Translations


Chosŏn Period Proper Nouns & English Translation