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Library Search: 


OATD (3.5+ million theses) and CRL

ProQuest Dissertations and PQDT Open
Canadian Dissertations
European Dissertations (DART)
British Dissertations (EThOS)
German & Swiss Theses (limited!)
French Theses and Theses in Progress
Australian Theses (via Trove)

 Full-Text Databases (mostly free):
Hathi Trust Digital Library (U.S. IP)
Internet Archive
EOD (PDFs on demand, EU libraries)
Google Books and Google Scholar
CORE (over 60 million publications)
Academia.edu | ResearchGate | Scribd

e-Asia Digital Library  (U of Oregon)

Full-Text Journals (free access): 
Korea Journal and Acta Koreana
RAS Transactions & e-Book Library
Sungkyun J. of East Asian Studies
Koreana (KF)  • Int. J. of Korean Hist.
IJKS (ICKS) • Review of Korean Studies

Korean Cml. Full-Text Databases: 

DBpia | KISS | KyoboScholar | eArticle

Links to Libraries (worldwide): 

lib-web-cats and library technology

Library Search — East Asia: 

한국학전자도서관 (AKS)
서울대학교 중앙도서관
연세대학교 도서관
고려대학교 도서관
홍익대학교 도서관
연변대학교 도서관 (China)
北京大学图书馆 (China)
National Diet Library (Japan)

Waseda U, Korean Materials (Japan)

Section HISTORY lists further resources.

Some EAS Full-Text Databases: 
KERIS and KISS (includes full-text
   Korean theses; requires registration)
CiNii/NII  (Japan)
CNKI 中国知网  (China)
Korean Studies Database


The Harvard Korean Studies Bibliography
한국학술지인용색인 / Korea Citation Index
mpipks elibrary  (Maxi Plancki is slooww..)

Bibliographic Tool: 
Tool to create bibliographies and reference lists—has filters for libraries & bibliographic output styles: 'EndNote' (Mac & Win ➔ trial versions); works with MS Word.

Buy/Order Books: 

AbeBooks & ZVAB & Booklooker
BandiBookUS  (Korean Books/ U.S. only)
Gmarket  (Korean Books et al)
twoChois  (Books worldwide! PayPal/cc)
Kyobo Books (Korean Books/worldwide)
Seoul Selection (Books on Korea/worldw.)
YES24.com (Books & Music/worldw.)
Amazon Japan and China (worldwide)
Koreanbook.de (Europe and worldwide)