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Korean Studies - Film

Korean American Studies    

Korean American WWW Sites (I) (directory)


Korean American WWW Sites (II) (directory)


Korean Heritage Library and its Korean American Digital Lib.
at USC, with a wealth of resources related to Korea and Korean Americans: a multi-media collection, a bibliography, the Korean Missionary Archives and a Map Collection, etc.


Center for Korean American Studies (CKAKS)


UCLA Asian American Studies Center


Young Oak Kim Center for Korean American Studies (at

  UC Riverside)


Dept. of Ethnic Studies (at U of California, Berkeley)


Asian American Studies (at San Francisco State)


Institute for Corean-American Studies (ICAS)


Korean American Historical Society (KAHS)


Korean American Scholarship Foundation


National Association of Korean Americans


Society of Korean-American Scholars (SKAS)

Korea American Communication Association (KACA)


Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)

Korean American Museum (L.A.)


Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles


Korean Community Center of the East Bay (Oakland)


Korean American Coalition (L.A.)


Young Korean American Network (yKAN) (New York)



  magazine that covers all aspects of Korean life in America, with emphasis on younger generations' success stories, culture, and entertainment


Yisei (magazine, by KA undergrads at Harvard, 1988-2004)


Korean Quarterly
  magazine for and by Korean Americans and Korean adoptees


Korean Adoptees Worldwide (Yahoo! group)


nopak.org (Network of Professional Adopted Koreans)


igoo.com (KA discussion forum; mostly for teenies)


Korean Beacon

  blog: news, culture, food, entertainment, music, sports, etc.



  an online community for all people of mixed Korean descent


I-am-Korean-American (profiles of young engaged KAs)