[KS] Radon Alarm in Seoul; we need this?

Frank M. Tedesco tedesco at uriel.net
Sat Jul 11 13:25:30 EDT 1998

By the way, this is the line used by commuters to & fro Sejong, Konkuk
and the foreigner enclave of HUFS!

>      07-11-98 : High Radon Levels in Seoul Subway Alarm
>      Citizens
>      Civic groups and environmentalists are calling for the Seoul city
>      government to halt the operation of subway line 7 which is
>      reportedly contaminated with high levels of radioactive material.
>      They say radon levels at Kongnung Station were found to be eight
>      times more than the permissible level set by the U.S.
>      Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
>      ``We're planning to hold a protest rally Monday, bringing
>      together civic groups and environment activists,'' said Sok
>      Kwang- hun, coordinator at Green Korea United, adding that the
>      venue has yet to be settled.
>      A research team led by Prof. Kim Dong-sul of Kyung Hee University
>      recently made public its report on radon levels at line 7's nine
>      stations, which were inundated by flash floods in early May.
>      It indicated the levels were measured at 31.87 pCi (pico curie)
>      at Kongnung Station, 29.36 pCi at Taenung Station, 15.33 pCi at
>      Sangbong Station and 14.61 pCi at Moggol Station. The figures
>      were far higher than the 4 pCi permissible level recommended by
>      the EPA.
>      Officials at the Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corp. that
>      oversees the line's operation said flood waters caused radon from
>      granite stratums to be released into the air.
>      In addition, they pointed out that the ill-fated stations were
>      not well ventilated as the replacement of flooded ceiling
>      materials and subway ventilation ducts was under way during the
>      period Prof. Kim conducted the survey.
>      ``We'll do our best to complete restoration of ventilation
>      facilities at the subway stations by Aug. 15, 45 days earlier
>      than initially scheduled,'' said Yoon Doo-young, president of the
>      corporation.
>      He said a four-month close study on radon levels of the flooded
>      stations will start Wednesday to come up with effective measures
>      against radon.
>      [Image]
>            Copyright 1998 Korea Herald. All rights reserved.
>                      Designed by ISM Corporation


Frank Tedesco, Ph.D.
Occasional lecturer, University of Maryland
Assistant Professor
Sejong University
98 Kunjadong, Kwangjin-gu
Seoul 143-747 KOREA
Tel/fax: 82-2-997-3954
E-mail: tedesco at uriel.net

"Life is a terminal disease, and it's sexually transmitted."
John Cleese, the Buddhist.


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