[KS] WWWJdict

Pavel Jaroscak jaroscak at iol.cz
Sun May 16 17:22:25 EDT 1999

Hello everybody.

I have a simple question. I am a japanalogist who sometimes comes across
(chinese) characters (I mean kanji) from Korean history. I look up their
readings in Jim Breem's WWWJdict where the (Republic of Korea) Ministry
of Education style of romanization can be found, but I don't know if I
can feel free to match them simply together to create the words.
Ex. there is the Reisui shiragi hi (a stone monument) in Japanese.
I look up Raeng su sin ra bi = Raengsu-sinra-bi.

Is it the right way to do it for one who needs to transcript just a few
names and who doesn't know Korean at all?

Thank you.



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