[KS] Re: Russian/Mongolian Korean immigrants

Frank Hoffmann hoffmann at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Jan 28 16:00:25 EST 2000

>Koh, S.: Koreans in Soviet Central Asia. = Studia Orientalia 61, Helsinki
>Oriental Society) 1987

He spelled his name "Kho, Songmoo"  (not Koh) -- otherwise you may not find
it in a library catalogue.
Also, the second standard work (in English) is the one edited by Suh Dae-Sook:
Suh, Dae-Sook, ed. _Koreans in the Soviet Union_. Papers of the Center for
Korean Studies 12. Honolulu: Center for Korean Studies and the Soviet Union
in the Pacific-Asian Region Program of the University of Hawaii, 1987.

Also, Ross King has done quite a number of very fascinating studies on
different aspects of language and literature of Soviet Koreans. But the two
books mentioned above are a very good starting point. If one likes to get a
quick overview, there is German Kim's article in the _Korea Journal_:
Kim, German. "The History, Culture and Language of the Koryô Saram." _Korea
Journal_ 33, no. 1 (Spring 1993): 47-68


Frank Hoffmann * 4903 Manitoba Dr.#202 * Alexandria, VA 22312 * USA
E-MAIL: hoffmann at fas.harvard.edu
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