[KS] Extension of American Commerce - Proposed Mission to Japan and Corea.

icas icas at dvol.com
Sun Jul 30 21:43:29 EDT 2000

July 30, 2000

Dear Friend:

We are pleased to share with you that United States Senate Library
contributed to ICAS the subject piece, "Extension of American Commerce
- Proposed Mission to Japan and Corea.  28th Congress, 2nd Session, 
Doc. No. 138, dated February 15, 1845 (ICAS Lecture No 2000-0730-USC).

This 155 year-old document is hard to read when scanned into the 
electronic format.  However, the flavor of the original does add to 
the immediacy -- as well as accuracy -- of the piece.

It described that " ... [t]he Chinese empire, long barricaded against 
commercial intercourse or diplomatic relations with other countries, 
is now measurably thrown open for the enterprise of Americans, as among 
'the most favored nations'; and there is much reason for believing that 
a judicious embassy, characterized by the justice which should ever sway 
our government, will succeed in establishing intercourse with Japan and 
Corea that may be largely beneficial to the American people ...  Corea 
also possesses a large population -- estimated at fifteen millions; and 
assimilates in character to the Chinese empire, with which it is
slightly connected in political relations. The Coreans and Chinese, it 
may be added, are now nearly the only foreigners with whom the Japanese 
allow any business intercourse, however limited. Though we cannot expect
anything like equal advantage from intercourse with Corea ...".

A complete text of the document is posted on the "ICAS Special
Contributions" page:


Thank you and regards,
Sang Joo Kim
T: (610) 277-9989
T: (610) 277-0149
F: (610) 277-3992
E: icas at dvol.com
Institute for Corean-American Studies (aka ICAS) is a non-profit,
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is non-agent of any government and solely supported by voluntary
contributions.  ICAS promotes pertinent relations and conducts
appropriate activities to enhance cooperation and to pursue peace 
and prosperity.  Further information about ICAS and some examples of 
the recent activities may be found on the ICAS website
(http://www.dvol.com/~users/icas). Thank you.


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