[KS] Re: Japanese Colonization Period

Yong-ho Choe choeyh at hawaii.edu
Tue Sep 5 01:52:49 EDT 2000

REPLY sends your message to the whole list

As far as I know, it is an English word, spelled in Han'gUl.

At 06:16 PM 9/4/2000 -1000, you wrote:
>REPLY sends your message to the whole list
>> "P'aerOdaim" has become a very popular vocabulary in
>> South Korea now, so much so that even politicians
>> use it widely--sometimes incorrectly.
>Interesting.  I did some translation work for a
>company and the man used the word paradigm in Korean,
>but the way he used it did not match up to its English
>definition.  Does the word actually have a different
>meaning in Korean?
>Carlon Haas
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Yong-ho Choe, Professor
Department of History
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI  96822

Tel: 808 956-6762
Fax: 808 956-9600
E-mail: choeyh at hawaii.edu

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