[KS] _Korea Journal_ online

Frank Hoffmann hoffmann at iic.edu
Fri Sep 1 02:23:16 EDT 2000

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The _Korea Journal_ and _Revue de Coree_ (now discontinued) is online 
in full text versions (in pdf format).

This has already been announced half a year ago by the 
editor-in-chief of the _Korea Journal_ on this list, but when I 
checked I found that it was not true then. At that time I only saw 
the bibliographic entries, not the actual texts of articles. I was 
looking for some other infos today and now see that the majority of 
_Korea Journal_ articles is available online.


KOREAN version of this database Interface:

The database search system doesn't work well, if at all. I only got 
some results when I entered the year 2000 as the *last* year of 
publication (e.g., "1961-2000," even if only interested in articles 
published from 1961 to 1970. Some articles (one pdf file always 
includes all the articles in one issue) haven't been posted yet -- 
hope this is an ongoing project.

The full text database also includes articles from UNESCO journals 
such as _Unesco Chronicle_ (1950s) or _Unesco Courier_ and many other 
sources - not only journals but also bibliographic information about 
Korea related books in Korean and English.

Many thanks to Unesco for making this available online!


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