[KS] Call for Contributors - Encyclopedia of Asia

Frank Hoffmann hoffmann at iic.edu
Thu Mar 8 21:15:37 EST 2001

I am posting the following for
June Kim  <june at berkshirepublishing.com>


I am the project coordinator for the Enyclopedia of Asia, 2002, Scribners,
New York.  There are a few Korea entries that need to be assigned, and I'd
be grateful if you could post the following message on the discussion list.
Many thanks in advance.
Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Call for Contributors - Encyclopedia of Asia
Berkshire Reference Works is seeking scholars and other experts who can
write articles for a general audience on a wide variety of topics for Japan,
the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, and Laos for the six-volume
Encyclopedia of Asia.  This ground-breaking work will be published by
Scribners, a leading U.S. publisher, early in 2002.
For each nation in Asia, there will be numerous articles covering its
history, geography, economics, education, religion, government, politics,
customs, peoples, communication, technology, literature and the arts, and
sports and recreation. We are including the Central Asian republics in our
coverage, and the Encyclopedia of Asia will provide an unprecedented range
of information on the earth's largest and most populous continent. The
encyclopedia will also include articles on the relationship of Asia with,
and its influence on, other parts of the world.
Unlike other works on Asia, this work does not focus on political and
military history but on social history and cultural and economic issues, as
well as ethnicity, women's issues, and current topics such as communications
technology and the environment. There are 3,000 entries, a total of two
million words in six volumes, and articles ranging 200 to 2,500 words.  Each
article will be signed and will include a bibliography for further reading.
There will be illustrations and maps as well as topical and regional
outlines, and an extensive index.
The project is well on the way to completion, with nearly half the
manuscript about to go into copyediting with an experienced team of editors.
Many more articles are now being written, and we look forward to finding
experts who can cover the topics that remain. Our list of contributors now
exceeds 400 individuals from over 40 nations, and we especially welcome
contributions from experts in Asia. Contributors will be paid an honorarium
for their work and will be credited in the published work.
David Levinson is the project director and he is working closely with the
editorial board, an international group of scholars, supervising the
development of the Encyclopedia of Asia.  He is a cultural anthropologist
and have served as editor-in-chief of a number of major reference works,
including the 10-volume Encyclopedia of World Cultures (Macmillan) and
4-volume Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology (Henry Holt).
There are several entries on Korea that need to be assigned (see below).  If
you are interested in writing any of them, please send me an e-mail to
mailto:june at berkshirepublishing.comlisting the entry or entries of your
interest, as well as a brief description of your academic and professional
We also have unassigned entries on Southeast Asia, Southwest Asia, West
Asia, and Pan-Asia.  If you know of any colleagues whose specialize in these
areas, we would be most grateful for your recommendations.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes, June

Fishing Industry - Korea			400 words
Textile and Clothing Industry - Korea	1000 words
Paik Nam-jun				200 words
Painting - Korea			400 words
Ssirum					200 words
Masks - East Asia			200 words
Porcelain- East Asia			1000 words
Korea Bay				200 words
Nagnim Mountain Range			200 words
Kaema Plateau				200 words
Tanggang				200 words
Chonmin				200 words
Koreans (ethnic group)			1250 words
Nobi					200 words
Kye					400 words
Yangban				200 words
Westernization - East Asia		1250 words
Paleoanthropology - East Asia		1250 words

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