[KS] Korean history virtual library listing

Todd Cameron Thacker tct25 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 24 20:48:43 EDT 2002

There is a very good web-based history index at


China, Japan, Indonesia, and Tibet, are all listed, but there is no Korean entry.

I've contacted the admin there, and I have received a template file on which to build a
comprehensive list of historical/cultural data on Korea. 

But I need your help. Volunteers, please have a look at the subjects you would like to
help with and then contact me directly at tct25 at yahoo.com

I need quite a few people to help me on this, so that we can give Korea the
representation it deserves!

It is a shame that Korea is not listed. The Chinese and Japanese pages are very
comprehensive. Let's do our part.

Thank you,

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