[KS] CKS announcement

Hyung Pai hyungpai at eastasian.ucsb.edu
Mon Nov 17 14:23:22 EST 2003

Dear Koreanists,
This is a reminder to please send Hyung Il Pai (Chair of CKS)  the 
ballots for the nominations for two new members of the CKS executive 
council ( new terms beginning at the March 04 AAS Meeting in San Diego) 
.. The deadline is Nov. 20th.
Please mail them to me ASAP.

Hyung Il Pai
Associate Professor
East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies,
HSSB Building, University of California, Santa Barbara CA 93106
Fax: 805) 893-3011, Phone: 805) 893-2245
Email: Hyungpai at eastasian.ucsb.edu
Dept. Web-site -http://www.eastasian.ucsb.edu/

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