[KS] On Prof. Song's case, again.

Vladimir Tikhonov vladimir.tikhonov at east.uio.no
Tue Nov 18 13:08:31 EST 2003

Dear Ruediger and Charles, and all others following this thread!

Again thank you very much for your interest in this case. Today I found out 
that a special website dedicated to Prof. Song's case - 
http://www.freesong.de/ - was set up in Germany by the "Maßnahmenkomitee in 
Europa zur Freilassung Prof. Song Du-Yul und zur Abschaffung des Nationalen 
Sicherheitsgesetzes" ("European Committee of Measures for Release of Prof. 
Song Du-Yul and Abolition of the National Security Law", if I got it 
right). It looks like the "Committee" is supported by Germany's Korea 
Verband and several Korea-related German academics. The website contains an 
online petition for Prof. Song's release, which, as I understand, can be 
signed separately by anybody sympathizing with Prof. Song's case. The site 
also contains a good - and growing - collection of the press materials on 
the case, both in Korean and German, as well as 8 (!) different petitions 
for Prof. Song's release, issued by different human rights and academic 
bodies inside and outside Korea. So, I guess that those wishing to help 
Prof. Song may either suffice themselves with signing that online petition, 
or draw a petition of our own - possibly with the emphasis upon Prof. 
Song's contribution in deeper understanding of Korea abroad, for example.

With best wishes,

Vladimir Tikhonov (Pak Noja).

Vladimir Tikhonov,
Department of East European and Oriental Studies,
Faculty of Arts,
University of Oslo,
P.b. 1030, Blindern, 0315, Oslo, Norway.
Fax: 47-22854140; Tel: 47-22857118
Personal web page: http://folk.uio.no/vladimit/
Electronic classrooms: East Asian/Korean Society and Politics:
                        East Asian/Korean Religion and Philosophy:

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