[KS] the ECKL Program

Rhee, S.J. S.J.Rhee at let.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Jan 12 03:28:28 EST 2005

The Program of the 1st ECKL


More information is available at http://www.iias.nl/eckl


Thursday February 3, 2005


9:30 Opening Ceremony

9:45 Keynote Speaker: Prof. S.-J. Chang (Seoul National University)

10:45 break

11:00 C. Lee (Seoul National University) & N. Özmen (Mersin
University/Utrecht Universtiy): Imperfective aspect in Turkish and Korean: A

11:30 B. Kabak & F. Plank (University of Konstanz): Mixing agglutination
with flexion: Korean and Turkish compared

12:00 Lunch

13:15 K.-H. Lee & J.-I. Kwon (Seoul National University): Korean particles
in spoken discourse: a statistical analysis for the unification of grammar

13:45 J. Bak (University of Manitoba): Double accusative marking of
possessor/possessee in Korean based on corpus study

14:15 C.-K. Kim (University of Liverpool): A cross-cultural comparison of
Korean and English science popularisation texts in terms of textual

14:45 break

15:00 J. Choi (University of Pennsylvania): Domain widening and free choice
effect: Korean amwu-lato/wh-lato

15:30 M.-K. Park (Dongguk University): Pseudo-sluicing in Korean: towards a
deletion analysis

16:00 S.-M. Hong (University of Maryland): Derivational approach to Korean
resultative constructions

16:30 O. Saden-Leicht (Utrecht University): A myth crushed: why Korean
speakers do not have more processing resources than English speakers?

17:00 break

17:15 S. Knoob (SOAS, University of London): Who says there is no systematic
reflexive in Korean: personal space, the proximity sphere and its pervasive
reflection in Korean diathesis

17:45 E. Rudnitskaya (Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow): The
experiencer of stative psych predicate in Korean as a bearer of the
prominent discourse role "the subject of a psychological state"

18:15 D. Jung (Korea University): Existential between copula, aspect and
modality in Korean


Friday February 4


9:45 Keynote Speaker: Prof. M. Kenstowicz (MIT)

10:45 break

11:00 E. Shin (UC Berkeley): Sonorant assimilation in Korean

11:30 D. Lee (Indiana University): Weight-sensitive tone patterns in
loanwords of South Kyunsang Korean

12:00 Lunch

13:15 Keynote Speaker: Prof. B.-I. Seong (Seoul National University)

14:15 break

14:30 R. Dormels (Universität Wien): An analysis of Hongmu-chongun-yokhun

15:00 T. Traulsen (Rhur University): The interplay of segments and
suprasegmental in Middle Korean and its meaning for internal reconstruction

15:30 E. Kondratieva (Russian State University): Middle Korean final
predication system and its change

16:00 break

16:15 Y. Um (Wonkwang University): The antipode in the evolution of Korean
passive and causative morphology: assimilation and dissimilation

16:45 H. Park (Keimyung University): Development of causative markers in
Korean children

17:15 M.-J. Son (University of Delaware): Morphological passives and
atypical argument structure realization in Korean

17:45 break

18:00 J. Choi & Y.-K. Joh (University of Pennsylvania): A centering analysis
of Korean sentential conjunctions

18:30 K.-H. Gil (University of Sheffield) Numeral classifier constructions
and scrambling in Korean

19:00 ECKL Dinner


Saturday February 5


10:00 H.-P. Hong (Seoul National University): On non-accusative particle
eul/leul in Korean

10:30 H. S. Choe (Yengnam University): Comparatives in Korean

11:00 J. Kiaer & R. Kempson (King's College London) On-line sentence
processing in Korean: at the syntax-phonology interface

11:30 break

11:45 R. Vermeulen (University College London) External possession and
(non-) affectedness

12:15 F. Mozzicato (Tokyo University of Foreign Stuidies): (u)l/ kes-ita as
a future tense marker: a comparison of Korean (u)l kes-ita with the Italian
future tense

12:45 lunch

14:00 Keynote Speaker: Prof. Y. Heo (Hankook University of Foreign Studies)

15:00 break

15:15 V. Kozhemyako (Far Eatern National University/HUFS) Computer assisted
language learning for Korean

15:45 H.-S. Kim (University of Maryland) The UMUC web tycho Korean language
and culture course

16:15 S.J. Kim (Keimyung Univesrity): Syllable structure and Korean language



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