[KS] Home page and a recent publication

Brother Anthony ansonjae at sogang.ac.kr
Tue Jul 5 02:28:22 EDT 2005

I would like to notify members of this list that the URL for my home page has been changed and although the 
old URL will be effective until late August, any who have placed links to any part of it in their own pages 
or lists of links might want to change those links. While the previous URL for the initial index was 
http://www.sogang.ac.kr/~anthony/ and the directories and files for everything were added to that, the new 
URL is http://hompi.sogang.ac.kr/anthony/ while all the directories and files remain as before. There is 
also a shorter URL for easier memorization: http://anthony.sogang.ac.kr/

In the list of my translations from Korean ( http://hompi.sogang.ac.kr/anthony/Trans.htm ) there is 
information about a newly published bilingual volume in the DapGae series containing poems by the late 
Prof. Kim Young-Moo (SNU) with whom I did many of my translations. Its title is that of his last 
collection, 'Virtual Reality' and it includes the poems he wrote about his experience of cancer. Those who 
ever met him, at least, might like to know of this.

Brother Anthony
Sogang University, Seoul

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