[KS] Korean Vocabulary Study

Edward Reed ereed at tafko.or.kr
Mon Oct 2 22:12:18 EDT 2006

I live and work in Seoul.  I am trying to recover and expand my command of Korean which I first studied over thirty years ago as a Peace Corps Volunteer and Fulbright researcher.  I have a fairly good grasp of grammar and am praised for my pronunciation.  I can converse fairly easily in daily conversation.  However, I would like to expand my vocabulary to allow me to converse about serious topics (politics, economics, social issues) related to my work.  I know that I should try to read newspapers and listen to TV broadcasts and collect and study vocabulary.  The problem is that I have a serious time limitation--long workdays and even working on weekends.  (This is Korea, afterall.) 
Does anyone know of a good book specifically designed for expanding command of Korean vocabulary?  I imagine a book organized around either issues or words with common hanmun roots, and presented in digestable gulps.  Or it could be linked to reading and understanding newspaper articles.  All suggestions appreciated.
Ed Reed
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