[KS] Glitches and hitches

Afostercarter at aol.com Afostercarter at aol.com
Tue Sep 19 06:07:23 EDT 2006

Many thanks again to Frank! - this time for technical
as well as political enlightenment.

Just on this point, about scrubbing:

(Note: Other than what Aidan says I do see Kevin's message there -- 
or which message where you referring to, Aidan?)

Well: unless this too is some optic peculiar to AOL, if you go 
to the archive and look at Kevin's message, all you get is this at

[KS] Is there one full good source in English on Korean Left(s), past and 

kevin gray leifeng75 at hotmail.com 
Thu Sep 14 04:43:20 EDT 2006 
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See what I mean? Kevin's actual message is missing.
You have to reconstruct it via the scrubbed attachment.
Or do other people see different things on this page?

Thanks too for the clarification that it is the hard-pressed moderators
- to whom all gratitude, as ever - who decide to strike people off the List
after too many bouncebacks. Might I respectfully ask that they not do so
for those of us on AOL? - and specifically, that I be reinstated?
(although I am now receiving the digest on my backup Yahoo).

Thanks again, to polymath from technophobe


Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology & Modern Korea, Leeds University 

Home address: 17 Birklands Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3BY, UK 
tel: +44(0)  1274  588586         (alt) +44(0) 1264 737634          mobile:  
+44(0)  7970  741307 
fax: +44(0)  1274  773663         ISDN:   +44(0)   1274 589280
Email: afostercarter at aol.com     (alt) afostercarter at yahoo.com      website: 
[Please use @aol; but if any problems, please try @yahoo too - and let me 
know, so I can chide AOL]


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:54:25 -0700
From: Frank Hoffmann <frank at koreaweb.ws>
Subject: [KS]  (...) plus glitches
To: Korean Studies Discussion List <koreanstudies at koreaweb.ws>
Message-ID: <p06230900c134890e9e12@[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear All, and especially Aidan:

As the present tech person for Korean Studies list (I am not 
participating in moderation anymore), please allow me to reply back 
to the list -- since Aidan posted this to the list (in addition to 
earlier inquiries about similar technical problems):

Basically, neither the moderators nor I can give you a satisfying 
answer. There are just too many components involved. But let me at 
least give you an idea.
We are using a piece of software called "Mailman" (home page: 
http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/). This resides on a CentOS Linux 
server. This server runs "cPanel" (home page http://cpanel.net) as a 
hosting platform. cPanel has integrated Mailman as one of its free 
3rd party programs. We therefore have no need to upgrade Mailman by 
itself but have cPanel upgrade Mailman when cPanel is upgraded (about 
once a month) -- a very convenient way to do this, given that Mailman 
is a really complicated piece of software. The list archives you 
mention are also part of Mailman software; only the search engine for 
searching KS archives (lower 3rd of main KS List home page: 
http://koreaweb.ws/ks/, index updated once a week) is an external 

What we have here is the most popular listserv program running on the 
most popular server OS under the most popular hosting platform. The 
program is highly automated. This means that anyone can automatically 
subscribe, unsubscribe, and do other specific customizations once 
subscribed from the web interface at: 

The list owners, on the other hand, have the power to decide on many 
administrative options -- among others that subscribers where 
messages seem to bounce back to the list (e.g. because their mailbox 
is full, the email address does not exist anymore, or because they 
have set a vacation autoresponder) will be put to "sleep mode" after 
5 or 7 such bounces. The moderators, and especially poor Rob, have 
gotten **many** inquiries relating to this issue. Please note that 
the moderators cannot "research" this in every case, and that this is 
also not a moderator's task. SEE BELOW -- NEXT PARAGRAPH! There are 
just too many different possible causes. These causes can be on both 
ends, the receiver and the Mailman software interacting with the 
receiving email server. It really is an interaction -- that is, the 
sending server, our server, is checking out various things even 
before a message is being send, e.g. if the email domain exists, or 
if that domain's IP is SPAM blacklisted in one of 50 SPAM databases 
that are queried each time before a message gets send out, or if the 
receiving mailserver is set up correct, and so forth and so forth. 
Servers do these more and more complicated pre-message tests mostly 
because of the world wide SPAM problem. On the receiver end are 
similar checks for incoming mails, may it be some sophisticated 
anti-SPAM and anti-virus software or other similar tests as just 
listed. All this is now interplaying with each other, and the 
combination of this just allows an absolutely amazing variety of 
causes for not receiving mails, especially if from a listserv source. 
To really figure out what is going on one would in many cases have to 
have access to both systems (sender and receiver server). For $180 an 
hour we are happy to have a technician look into your problems. (Just 
joking ... it's $240, no discounts today.) Otherwise, please follow 
my short do-it-yourself list below to fix any possible problem in 
receiving mails.

I would therefore suggest to KS list subscribers having problems 
receiving mails from the list to check the following for yourself:
(a) See if your KS list account is set to sleep mode:
If so, reactivate it yourself from above web interface.
(b) Check if your email box on the server is full (only you will
     know where to do this).
(c) Check if you have set up an autoresponder that replies to
     incoming messages with the same subject line that was received.
     If so, Mailman might disable your account after a short while
     because it "misunderstands" this as bounced messages.
(d) Is your SPAM filter for the receiving email account blocking
     messages that were sent to more than 3 or 5 receivers
     (mass mail protection)? If so, that could be blocking incoming
     mails from Mailman.
(e) Are you auto-forwarding mails from the KS list? This may also
     be a cause ... all depends on the receiver system.

If you are not sure that you have received all posted messages -- 
check out the Web interface for the list at:
Easiest is to 
click the "DATE" link for whatever month on above INDEX page.

(Note: Other than what Aidan says I do see Kevin's message there -- 
or which message where you referring to, Aidan?)

Best regards,
Frank Hoffmann

>Could I also note a few glitches in transmission:
>A. Fellow AOL-ers, be warned: Not all messages from the list may reach 
>thanks to AOL's wonky spam filters. I received neither Frank's nor 
>nor the first 4 of the fan death thread. This tiresome problem comes 
and goes.
>Best to check the archive.
>B. For this reason I have a backup Yahoo eddress too. I subscribed to 
the list
>on this also on Sep 14, in Digest mode; got a reply, and confirmed.
>However nothing more has yet reached me via Yahoo, while AOL is now
>deigning to work.  Perhaps I failed to confirm properly.
>C. Separately, the KS archive continues to scrub some messages - 
>including Kevin's.
>See below. It can be retrieved by delicately stitching the KS stem 
>to the URL ending given,
>but this is tiresome and risks error.
>Can anything be done about this? Though rare, it obviously impairs 
>the Archive's utility.
>Is it a compatibility problem with Hotmail? Someone else who 
>about this before, suspecting censorship, also had a Hotmail eddress.
>It must be some kind of automatic glitch. Any suggestions?
>Best wishes
>Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology & Modern Korea, Leeds 
>Home address: 17 Birklands Road, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3BY, UK
>tel: +44(0)  1274  588586         (alt) +44(0) 1264 737634 
>mobile:  +44(0)  7970  741307
>fax: +44(0)  1274  773663         ISDN:   +44(0)   1274 589280
>Email: afostercarter at aol.com     (alt) afostercarter at yahoo.com 
>website: www.aidanfc.net
>[Please use @aol; but if any problems, please try @yahoo too - and 
>let me know, so I can chide AOL]

Frank Hoffmann
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